Pubdate: Wed, 24 Sep 2008
Source: Record, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2008 Lower Mainland Publishing Group Inc.
Author: J. Anderson


Dear Editor:

I currently reside in the area of Fourth Avenue and 10th Street and 
witness drug dealing from the same five people every day in this neighbourhood.

What I don't understand is that the New Westminster police expect you 
to do your civic duty and report such crime, yet nothing is done 
about it. Over the last eight months, the police have been provided 
with the make, models and licence plate numbers of all "customers" 
and "suppliers," as well as descriptions of the criminals, and 
nothing has been done.

We have even tried to contact a drug enforcement officer and have 
been told that the switchboard has no idea which officer is drug 
enforcement and to leave a message on the full inbox.

I don't understand why it is OK for these people to operate on a 
day-to-day basis. Yesterday I witnessed a confrontation in which two 
people threatened to kill another for owing them money. The police 
were called, and no one showed up.

Down the street is a crack house. Again the police have been given 
dates, times and licence plate numbers, yet nothing has been done.

It makes you wonder why people don't just give up and turn their eyes 
away from crime. Is it worth taking a risk of my safety and my home 
in order to defend myself? No. I would almost guarantee you that if 
the police ever showed up and did anything, these criminals would be 
back in business the next day.

In fact, that is exactly what happened with this crack house. The 
police team made a production of busting the house, not for drugs but 
for stolen art. It's funny how when wealthy people lose something, 
action is taken right away; but when low-income people complain, we 
are told something is being done - when in fact nothing ever happens. 
Just another day in the neighbourhood, eh?

J. Anderson, New Westminster
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom