Pubdate: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 Source: Peterborough Examiner, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2008 Osprey Media Group Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Russell Barth Referenced: BUSTING GROW-OPS IS REAL THREAT Re "Grow-ops threat to environment" (Aug. 8) It's true - grow-ops are a threat to the environment. All that aircraft and car fuel that cops need to use is polluting my air so bad I need to smoke a joint to curb my asthma. And all those other crimes that go under-investigated because cops are busy pulling weeds - that is a serious threat as well. Not to mention the fact that every time the cops wreck one outdoor crop, they increase the value of the vast majority of crops they never catch. In this way, the police subsidize the un-caught growers, who get more wealthy, powerful, and competitive. And that is a serious environmental hazard! And then there are all the diseases, including cancer, that won't be alleviated by the use of cannabis. I could go on, but hopefully you get the point. RUSSELL BARTH Patients Against Ignorance and Discrimination on Cannabis Nepean - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom