Pubdate: Wed, 9 Jul 2008
Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA)
Copyright: 2008 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Author: Bill Rankin, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Note: MAP archives articles exactly as published, except that our 
editors may redact the names and addresses of accused persons who 
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Two North Georgia troopers say they followed their noses to almost 3 
pounds of marijuana stashed in the trunk of a car they stopped on I-75.

Troopers Jeff Adamson and Kevin Turner said they caught a whiff of 
"raw marijuana" from within [redacted]'s car.

This gave them probable cause to search, find the pot and arrest 
[redacted] and his passenger, [redacted].

But [redacted], of Chattanooga, claims that something about the 
arrest smells funny.

Specially trained dogs are often used to sniff out illicit drugs, but 
is the human nose that sensitive?

The dispute has spawned a novel challenge in a court motion filed in 
Gordon County Superior Court.

It seeks a court order to have the marijuana put back inside a trash 
bag and placed in the trunk of a random car in the courthouse parking lot.

The troopers would then be asked to prove they can really smell as 
well as a trained, certified drug dog can, the motion said.

The motion, filed by [redacted]'s lawyer, David West of Marietta, 
seeks to have the seized marijuana suppressed as evidence from an 
unlawful search.

"It's ridiculous and totally stretches the possibilities of 
scientific fact to suggest these officers could smell a bag of raw 
marijuana that's tied up and enclosed in the trunk," West said. 
"They're trying to make us believe they can basically be drug dogs in 
this case."

Turner, a 30-year veteran officer, said Tuesday that he has no 
trouble detecting the smell of raw marijuana.

"Oh, yeah," he said, when asked if it was possible to smell it hidden 
inside a trunk.

"Just because it's in a bag, the smell can seep out. If you've ever 
smelled raw marijuana, oh, yeah, you know what it is. It's a very 
unique odor. Through my training and experience, I can smell it."

Adamson, who is on military leave, could not be reached for comment.

District Attorney Joseph Campbell declined to comment on the motion.

One scientific expert believes it was not possible for the troopers 
to smell the pot from outside the car.

"They can't do it," said Richard Doty, director of the University of 
Pennsylvania Medical Center's Smell and Taste Center. "They can't 
smell it, even if there's a lot of marijuana in the back of the car."

In 2004, Doty co-authored a paper, published in an American 
Psychology-Law Society journal, that cited a study that found the 
odor of pot from inside a car trunk was not reliably discernible, 
even by people with an excellent sense of smell.

The study tested five men and five women, using marijuana supplied by 
the New Jersey Attorney General's Office that was put in a garbage 
bag and placed in the trunk of a Chevy.

Little research has been conducted on the capacity to detect 
marijuana's odor, the paper added. "This dearth of information bears 
considerable legal consequence, because courts often accept the 
arguments... that marijuana's odor can always be detected."

[redacted] was arrested Nov. 16, 2006, when he and [redacted] were 
driving north through Gordon County in northwest Georgia.

In his report, Adamson wrote he pulled the car over because its 
license plate light was out and he was unsure if the car had a tag.

When he walked up to the car, he was overwhelmed by the smell of air 
fresheners and saw two hanging from the rear view mirror.

He told [redacted] to step to the rear of the car.

[redacted] initially gave the officer conflicting information about 
where he was going, prompting Adamson to walk to the passenger side 
of the car and talk to [redacted].

When he got to the side of the car, Adamson wrote, he smelled "raw marijuana."

"Based on my knowledge and training, I felt there was criminal 
behavior afoot," Adamson wrote.

Adamson called for backup, summoning Turner to the scene.

When Turner arrived, "he clearly smelled raw marijuana coming from 
within the vehicle," the report said.

[redacted] admitted to having earlier smoked a marijuana "blunt," but 
denied there was any pot in the car, the report said.

The officers searched the trunk and found marijuana inside a white trash bag.

Gwinnett District Attorney Danny Porter said cases like this are not unusual.

While a drug prosecutor, Porter said he had cases where he could 
smell marijuana inside a car.

"These kinds of cases turn on the circumstances of the stop and the 
credibility of the officers," Porter said.

"As for the marijuana, a lot of it depends on how it is packaged and 
the freshness of it. Sometimes there is a very distinctive odor."

But West, [redacted]'s lawyer, said the court should not take the 
officers at their word.

"I say if these officers really think they are human drug dogs, let's 
put them to the test," he said. 
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