Pubdate: Fri, 1 Feb 2008
Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Section: Feature Article
Author: Stephen Young
Note: Stephen Young is an editor with DrugSense Weekly.


I was mildly irritated as my State Rep. walked away from my driveway, 
but I didn't get really mad until I read the pink paper handout he left.

The pink paper congratulated the State Rep. (who has been a member of 
the Illinois House for about 5 years) for his efforts to force 
insurance companies to pay for breast cancer screenings. I'm not at 
all opposed to breast cancer screenings, but after the conversation I 
just had with the State Rep., I felt he was exploiting cancer victims 
more than he was willing to help them.

Since his ignorance did not seem totally calculated, I won't name him 
here.  However, followers of Illinois politics may recognize him as 
the only Democrat in the House of Representatives who, less than a 
year ago, served as a Republican in that same Illinois House.

I was shovelling my driveway and ready to take a little break when a 
perky, bright-faced woman walked up and introduced herself as a 
member of the Illinois House of Representatives. She said she was out 
talking to people about why they should support the incumbent State 
Rep.  in my district, and that he would be along in a moment if I had 
any questions for him.

I asked the perky State Representative from another district if she 
was a Republican or Democrat. She said she was a Democrat and that 
the Democratic Party in Illinois was so glad to have a forward 
thinker like my State Rep.  joining their ranks, so the Democratic 
Party can continue to strive for change to make Illinois a better place.

I asked how she voted on medical marijuana. That never got out of 
committee, she said. It took me a moment to remember, but it did get 
out of committee in the Illinois Senate, but then the Senate 
(Democrat-controlled, like most branches of state government in 
Illinois) voted it down.  So she didn't get to vote on the bill 
herself.  However, she said, as a former prosecutor she believed that 
the state should be supporting more treatment and less incarceration 
for non-violent drug offenders.

I said that wasn't a terrible idea, and I would have asked why her 
party doesn't do something about it, but since I have two friends who 
are dealing with the toxic side effects of cancer treatments right 
now, the medical cannabis issue was actually more important to me.

"How would you vote on medical marijuana?" I asked.

She was hemming and hawing about seeing details when my own State 
Rep. caught up with her.

"This is Steve and he has a question, I think, about medical 
marijuana," she told my State Rep.  as he reached out to shake my hand.

My State Rep. said he would support the right of doctors to prescribe 
medical marijuana, without explaining how patients would get it.

I laughed a little and said that it was great of him to support the 
free speech rights already granted to citizens by the U.S. 
Constitution.  I told him I had friends going to cancer treatments, 
and that many people going through such treatments report bad side 
effects being alleviated by cannabis.

I said that the medical marijuana bill rejected by his colleagues in 
the Illinois Senate last year wasn't even all that great, since it 
doesn't really have a quick supply mechanism, and people don't really 
plan in advance enough to grow plants in time for sudden chemotherapy.

But beyond that, I asked, don't you think people who are very sick 
should have every option? He didn't disagree, but he said he was 
concerned those who weren't really sick might get the opportunity to 
legally use cannabis.  So he would have to carefully consider the 
details before committing one way or the other.

Likely sensing he had nothing more to gain from the conversation, he 
quickly changed gears, handed me a small stack of papers, and asked 
if he could count on my support in the upcoming primary.

I waved the papers and said I'd have to carefully consider the 
details before committing one way or another.

After he walked away, when I saw the pink paper, I got mad, 
particularly as I reviewed the conversation in my mind.

At this point, I should make it clear that I do not wish to suggest 
Illinois Democrats are worse on the issue of medical marijuana than 
Illinois Republicans.  Indeed, there has been much more support from 
the Democrats.  But, the Democrats control state politics right now, 
and they claim they want positive change that helps people. They 
could have settled the medical cannabis issue years ago, as it is not 
controversial with voters, but instead they pretend it's too controversial.

And then they play the pink card ( particularly ironic in light of 
recent research that showed some cannabinoids shrinking breast cancer 
tumors - see ).

This guy was touting his credentials as a cancer fighter, but he's 
wishy-washy about legally allowing people who are really suffering 
from cancer treatment to use something that has worked for many. And 
his concerns about people healthy people having a legal path to 
cannabis are ridiculous for two reasons.

First, right now, the cannabis control system in Illinois doesn't 
work.  There's not a high school in the state where many kids don't 
know where to get it.  To suggest that allowing sick people to use 
will somehow throw a very sound system out of whack is not only 
absurd, it is offensive.  It seemed to me as if the State Rep. was 
placing the legislature's own failures on the backs of the sick, 
instead of simply acknowledging that the system of cannabis 
prohibition that they reinforce with new laws each year is a failure 
and a sham.

Second, it also sounded to me that the legislators thought it was 
more important to punish non-sick users that to help sick users. This 
shows traditional moral sensibility turned upside down.

Just as the legislators pretend marijuana prohibition works in 
Illinois, they seem determined to pretend that there is no medical 
marijuana in the state.  It is the non-sick cannabis users and 
growers who are helping the sick users get through their ordeals, 
while the legislators stand as roadblocks to legal, effective 
medicine.  In this story, the legislators are villains, not heroes.

Maybe my State Rep.  thought he was showing how much he cared by 
passing out those little pink pieces of paper, but to me the whole 
episode showed precisely the contrary.
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