Pubdate: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW) Website: HOT OFF THE 'NET - ------------------ PROHIBITION ENDED 75 YEARS AGO, BUT WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? By Rob Kampia, Marijuana Policy Project It's time to bring marijuana under responsible controls and end the monopoly we've handed to gangsters. == LEGAL EASE WITH KIRK TOUSAW Criminal lawyer Kirk Tousaw discusses four legal battles that are raging in the war on the War on Cannabis in Canada. - ------------------ DRUG TRUTH NETWORK Century of Lies - 12/02/08 - Kevin Zeese Kevin Zeese, president of Common Sense for Drug Policy regarding the financial impact of the drug war and the US financial fiasco + Terry Nelson reports for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + "commercial" for the Uri-Liminator! Cultural Baggage Radio Show - 12/03/08 - Terry Nelson Law Enforcement Against Prohibition press conference at the National Press Club in Wash DC, call for the end of drug prohibition, with Neal Peirce of Wash Post, Terry Nelson & Richard Van Wickler of LEAP & Eric Sterling of Criminal Justice Policy Foundation. - ------------------ MULTIDISCIPLINARY ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHEDELIC STUDIES BULLETIN The Winter 2008 - 2009 MAPS Bulletin is now available online as a single PDF file. - ------------------ BLACK POLICE ASSOCIATION WRITES TO OBAMA TO OPPOSE RAMSTAD A coalition of advocacy and nonprofit organizations, including the National Black Police Association, sent a letter today to President- elect Barack Obama preemptively pushing back against the nomination of Rep. James Ramstad (R-Minn.) to be head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, or "Drug Czar." - ------------------ GENETIC ANALYSES OF ANCIENT CANNABIS FROM CENTRAL ASIA The Yanghai Tombs near Turpan, Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region, China have recently been excavated to reveal the 2700-year-old grave of a Caucasoid shaman whose accoutrements included a large cache of cannabis, superbly preserved by climatic and burial conditions. - ------------------ LEAP SPEAKER NEILL FRANKLIN DISCUSSES ENDING PROHIBITION Former Maryland State Police Maj. Neill Franklin on Fox News on the 75th anniversary of the repeal of alcohol prohibition discussing ending the war on drugs. - ------------------ WHAT YOU CAN DO THIS WEEK - ------------------ TAKE ACTION TO END TODAY'S FAILED PROHIBITION December is the 75th anniversary of when America's leaders had the good sense to end alcohol prohibition. Today, we have another ineffective, harmful and expensive prohibition, the "war on drugs." LEAP has made it easy for you to take action and let your legislators know that we can't afford prohibition in these tough economic times. Visit for more information. - ------------------ APPLY FOR A JOB WITH MPP The Marijuana Policy Project, the nation's largest marijuana policy reform organization, is seeking a Communications Assistant, to be based in the organization's main office in Washington, D.C. This position is an excellent opportunity to play an integral role in a fast-paced, well-respected advocacy organization. The Communications Assistant works in MPP's Communications Department, which is responsible for effectively communicating MPP's message to the media and the public through written materials and media relations. To apply, please see MPP's application guidelines at - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake