Pubdate: Sat, 26 Jan 2008
Source: East Valley Tribune (AZ)
Copyright: 2008 East Valley Tribune.
Author: Lindsay Butler, Tribune


Three years ago, Chino Hernandez was just emerging from  the prison
system. He couldn't go home to California,  but jobs were scarce for a
man with a record. And he  didn't want to go back to his old ways.

Hernandez needed a home.

"I thought I would stay at Kokopelli for a couple  weeks," said
Hernandez, now 43. "And here I am, three  years later."

Hernandez is now a manager at Kokopelli Group Home in  Mesa, one of 76
recovery homes in the city dedicated to  housing people who are fresh
from the prison system or  fighting a drug or alcohol addiction -- or,
as is often  the case, both.

For 15 years, group homes like Kokopelli have been  required to obtain
a license by the city and are  labeled under the city code as a "group
home for the  handicapped."

But now, the city is in talks to further regulate the  homes by
stripping them of the handicapped label and  requiring them to
relocate to industrial areas.

Steve Collins, co-founder of Kokopelli Group Homes,  says he maintains
strict rules at his homes and that  the city is fighting the wrong

"You know what their biggest problem is? They have 100  group homes
that are not registered," Collins said.  "They are fighting the wrong
category of people."

Collins plans to meet with other group-home operators  to submit their
own suggestions to the city.

The changes at the city level were brought on by  concerns of crimes
near Mesa's group homes.

"We've talked to group homes in the past, and they say  they'd like to
self-police," said City Councilman Mike  Whalen during Thursday's
public safety committee  meeting. "That's not going to work."

Part of the problem the city faces when dealing with  group homes is
simply how they are labeled.

Since most of the homes house recovering addicts, they  are listed in
the city code as "group homes for the  handicapped," a problem for
some city leaders.

"People are taking advantage of the handicapped  definition to live in
a single-family residence," said  City Councilman Tom Rawles. "Some of
these people are  coming out of prison who are not handicapped but
they  are saying they are."

The changes proposed at the city level would  differentiate between
homes for people who fit the  legal definition of handicapped -- as
spelled out by  the Federal Fair Housing Act -- and homes for recent
parolees or recovering addicts.

These recovery homes would be relabeled "correctional  transitional
housing facilities" and required to be in  commercial or industrial

Collins said he has many concerns about that idea,  because prices are
higher in those districts and  transportation options are scarce.

"If they are located at Falcon Field or Williams  Gateway, there's no
transportation," he said. "And  these people don't have cars."

Collins said he knows group homes have a stigma in the  community, but
calls them a necessary evil.

"They have to live someplace," he said.

Collins started Kokopelli with Dorothy Olson in 2005  after watching a
family member go through some bad  group homes. Now, the two operate
five homes in Mesa.

The Kokopelli homes maintain strict rules such as daily  curfews,
drug-free policies and requiring that the  residents hold steady jobs.

For about $500 a month, the Kokopelli homes provide a  decent bed, a
computer, Internet access and someone to  talk to.

"They need what you call 'home,' " Hernandez  said. "We're not
throwing books in their face. They  come here and relax."

The Kokopelli home near downtown Mesa features two  couches, a
recliner, a big-screen TV, wooden floors and  a home gym.

There are usually three or four residents to a bedroom,  and the place
has a dormitory feel.

A magnet on the fridge reads, "Everything I know I  learned in

Collins said each resident is assigned chores. He tells  them, "You're
going to get married someday, and you're  going to have to do chores."

Collins says that when he opens a new home , he usually  gets a few
raised eyebrows from the neighbors, but that  most aren't concerned.

"The thing you have to understand is that almost  everyone you talk to
has an alcoholic in their family,  or someone who has done jail time
or is addicted to  drugs," Collins said. "This person is trying to get
  back to society."
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MAP posted-by: Steve Heath