Pubdate: Sun, 01 Jul 2007
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2007 Calgary Herald
Author: Tim McLaughlin, Reuters


Bankers Are Buckling Under The Strain

NEW YORK - Wall Street's push for record profits is ruining careers,
tearing apart families and keeping drug dealers busy, mental health
experts say.

While record bonuses make some Wall Street bankers feel invincible,
others become emotional wrecks from pressure to perform and some hit
rock bottom, experts say.

Harris Stratyner, a psychologist at Caron's New York Recovery Center,
said some executives he treats are experimenting with cocaine,
opiate-based drugs, ecstasy and marijuana, as well as abusing alcohol.

"It's like they're chasing a dream. Even when they make tremendous
profits, they're still worried," he said.

Alden Cass, a clinical psychologist who counsels Wall Streeters with
drug addictions, said drug abuse and high anxiety are undercurrents to
the current boom.

"When things are really good, they feel invulnerable," Cass said.
"That can lead to adultery, substance abuse, problems with the law."

When it comes to profits, things are really good. Six of the largest
U.S. investment banks -- Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Citigroup,
JPMorgan & Chase Co., Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns -- combined for
$17.6 billion US in first-quarter profit this year. That's after
shelling out $28.8 billion US for pay and benefits, financial
statements show.

Those profit and pay figures are more than double those seen in the
first quarter of 2000, the last days before the dot-com bubble burst.
New York's comptroller estimates Wall Street's 2006 bonuses will
generate $1.6 billion in state tax revenue.

"To my knowledge, we have not seen an uptick in drug use," Morgan
Stanley spokeswoman Jean Marie McFadden said.

The other five firms declined comment or did not return telephone

But Cass said opiate abuse among his clients is rising and they openly
talk about being hooked on prescription drugs like OxyContin, known as
hillbilly heroin.

"That's what has changed from previous booms on Wall Street," he

Cass and Stratyner said their clients sometimes conceal their habits
by taking prescription drugs they get for back surgery or
sports-related injuries. The Internet has also expanded the black
market for drugs.

Wall Street professionals in their 20s use Ritalin and Adderall,
prescription drugs used to treat attention-deficit disorder and
hyperactivity, to enhance their performance as they grind out 100-hour
weeks, Cass said.

Big bonuses and the need to blow off steam have helped invigorate
demand for cocaine in Manhattan, according to two junior bankers who
did not want to be named.

Juan Rodriguez, convicted of selling drugs to investment bankers and
other professionals, said his clients never complained about the price
of cocaine, even as it escalated.

"My customers were all business individuals," Rodriguez said, citing
Morgan Stanley bankers as among his clients.

Morgan Stanley said the company has a strong policy against substance
abuse and uses random drug testing.

One hiring manager at a major New York bank said new staff must take a
urine test, which is typical for the industry. But he said new hires
can choose when to schedule the test during a 45-day period before
their start date.

"Our drug test is not so much a test of whether you actually take
drugs as it is an intelligence test to see if you can figure out how
long it takes to get traces of the drug out of your system," said the
manager, who asked not to be named.

The hiring manager said his employer also had a policy of random drug
tests for employees but that in several years he had never encountered
anyone subjected to such a test.

Drugs are not the only reason for executive meltdowns.

Overwhelming pressure and anxiety to meet profit goals undid star
trader David Becker as he rose the Citigroup ladder.

Nine months after becoming global commodities chief, Becker found
himself on the fast track to prison. The largest U.S. bank discovered
in 2004 that Becker and others conspired to overstate profits by $20
million US.

Becker, 41, pleaded guilty and is serving a 15-month sentence in
federal prison. He declined to comment.

Before he committed his crime, he sought psychiatric help to deal with
the pressure of balancing family and career, court papers show.

A metaphor for his life was a painting he owned depicting a man being
pulled by all four limbs, Becker's psychiatrist, Dr. Barbara Deutsch,
wrote to the judge in the case.

"He felt enormous pressure to make the group's budget at all costs,"
Deutsch wrote. "He felt identified with this tortured man."
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