Pubdate: Sun, 01 Apr 2007
Source: Morning Star, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2007 The Morning Star


It certainly makes for good headlines but the escalating war of words 
over downtown Vernon security is getting out of hand.

The Downtown Vernon Association and Coun. Jack Gilroy have clearly 
staked out opposing sides on the issue.

The DVA insists that illegal drugs and prostitution are a concern and 
many merchants, their employees and customers are feeling 
uncomfortable. Gilroy, though, suggests that the situation isn't that 
bad, and the city is doing everything possible to address the 
perception that crime is out of hand.

And differing views are acceptable, but the almost personal nature of 
the dispute isn't benefitting anyone.

Last Monday, city council established a process where all agencies -- 
the DVA, bylaw enforcement and the RCMP -- would come together at a 
meeting to determine what resources are available and what is the 
best long-term solution downtown.

This process makes sense as it would allow everyone to place their 
cards on the table and the community would know once and for all what 
manpower is needed and if it requires additional assistance from 
private security guards.

And with funding in place for the private patrols until the end of 
August, that will give the city's expanded bylaw enforcement unit 
time to become familiar with a role that it more law enforcement than 
simply writing parking tickets.

With the downtown core such a vital part of the community's economic, 
social and cultural fabric, there is a lot riding on the safety and 
security issue.

It is going to require a team approach and that means the bickering 
between the DVA and certain councillors must end.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman