Pubdate: Wed, 07 Feb 2007
Source: East Valley Tribune (AZ)
Copyright: 2007 East Valley Tribune.
Author: Dennis Welch


The cost of running Arizona's overcrowded prison system will soar in 
the next decade, according to projections that show an additional $3 
billion will be needed if the state continues to lock away criminals 
at today's rate.

The prison population is expected to grow by 52 percent during the 
next 10 years, according to a report released Tuesday by the Council 
of State Governments Justice System, a nonpartisan organization.

Taxpayers will have to pay an additional $3 billion to build and 
operate more prisons to handle such a large increase in the prison 
population, the report states.

Jim Austin, a nationally recognized prison system expert who directed 
the report, said population growth in Arizona's prisons ranks among 
the top four states in the country.

"The situation that Arizona faces is particularly challenging when 
compared to other states," Austin said.

While other states such as Texas and neighboring California have 
similar problems, Austin noted that "the growth in Arizona by far 
overshadows other states."

One reason for the sharp rise is the state's get-tough attitude on 
all types if crime, including low-level offenses such as driving 
while intoxicated, he said.

Longer sentences, a high rate of prisoners returning to jail and the 
rising number of women inmates have added to the population boom.

Sixty percent of all criminals admitted to prison in Arizona come 
from the Phoenix-Mesa area, according to the report.

Currently, the state houses nearly 35,000 prisoners. But that number 
is expected to grow to 56,660 by 2017 if nothing changes, according 
to the study. Already feeling the crunch, the state has about 4,000 
more prisoners than the system was built to handle.

Women account for a large portion of the growth, according to the 
study. The number of women admitted in Arizona prisons increased 60 
percent in the past six years -- roughly twice the rate of male inmates.

The expected growth of the state's prison population significantly 
outpaces the projected population growth of Arizona overall. During 
the next decade, the state's population is expected to grow by 26.2 
percent. To help find solutions, Arizona has been selected as one of 
five states that will participate in the Council of State 
Governments' justice reinvestment program.

Staff from the organization will work closely with state lawmakers to 
prepare for the rush of inmates.

Legislators disagree on how to handle the problem. One idea being 
pushed by some Republican lawmakers is to build more private prisons. 
Some believe that could help reduce the costs.

Other potential solutions include offering more earlyrelease programs 
for criminals who complete rehabilitation programs and reducing 
minimum sentences for some crimes.

But lawmakers have been more willing to back measures that increase 
jail time rather than shorten it.

For example, Sen. Jim Waring, R-Phoenix, said the report won't 
detract him from clamping down on drunken drivers.

Since taking office in 2003, Waring has introduced about 15 pieces of 
legislation relating to state DUI laws. Currently, a bill is under 
consideration that would mandate 30 days in jail for drivers 
convicted of extreme DUI.

"I understand our prisons are overcrowded, but they (drunk drivers) 
kill more than 500 people a year in Arizona," Waring said. "Just 
because they're non-violent criminals doesn't mean they can't kill you."

Still, Austin said it will take more than private prisons to meet the 
needs in Arizona.

"You're not going to solve a $3 billion-dollar problem with 
privatization," he said.

He said states often don't save much money by choosing to use private prisons.

Austin has worked as a consultant to several large private prison 
companies, including Correction Corporation of America -- a firm 
expected to bid for an Arizona contract to house 3,000 Arizona 
prisoners. The Arizona Department of Corrections also is preparing to 
bid for the contract. It would be the first time in state history the 
department has been allowed to bid on a publicly issued contract.

Sen. Bob Burns, R-Peoria, dismissed the notion that private prisons 
don't save money. Burns, who heads the Senate Appropriations 
Committee, has been a strong supporter of private prisons.

"I can show you other studies that show privatizations save money," 
he said. Burns argues that DOC can hide some of the administrative 
costs associated with housing prisoners because it is a state agency.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman