Pubdate: Thu, 06 Dec 2007
Source: Nelson Daily News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2007 Nelson Daily News
Author: Russell Barth
Note: The newspaper does not have an active website.


To the Editor:

Re: Letter to the Editor "Pot advocates don't surprise" by Robert Leggett
(November 30, 2007)

Robert Leggett asks; "Am I to believe that with the legalization of
marijuana, the black market will suddenly no longer have a need for
crack or meth?"

No, but the market will be limited.  Most people would never bother to
try meth if pot were regulated.  Regulating all drugs through clinics
and pharmacies robs them of even more profits, leaving...prostitution
and weapons, I guess.

He asks; "And if all drugs are legalized how does the meth head pay
for his drugs?"

The best thing to do with the addicts is give them free, clean
pharmaceutical meth they can take orally at the clinic or through a
doctor.  The stuff is pennies a dose when made by pros, and it keeps
them from doing crimes.   Much cheaper than paying for their crimes.

Leggett goes on; "Since I have yet to meet a meth head or crack head
capable of holding down a job..."

You'd be surprised how many people hold down jobs and maintain
relationships even with an addiction.

As for "suitable sentencing," it is naive to think that criminals
consider sentencing while committing a crime.  And the fact that some
people still seem to think that punishment (violence) is the best way
to solve any problem is most disconcerting.

We need to regulate all drugs to take the gangsters' profits away,
then put the vast tax revenue derived from it into education,
affordable housing, and other programs that prevent drug abuse.

Russell Barth

Federal Medical Marijuana License Holder

Patients Against Ignorance and Discrimination on Cannabis (PAIDOC)

Ottawa, Ontario
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin