Pubdate: Wed, 21 Nov 2007
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2007 Calgary Herald
Authors: Richard Foot, CanWest News Service and Jamie Komarnicki, 
Calgary Herald
Bookmark: (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


The Conservative government unveiled historic legislation Tuesday to 
create the first mandatory prison terms in Canada for people 
convicted of trafficking illicit drugs.

The proposed changes are the newest chapter in the Harper 
government's sweeping crackdown on crime, which includes bills before 
Parliament to toughen rules for repeat violent offenders, to keep 
accused young offenders in jail before their trials, and now to 
impose automatic prison penalties on serious drug offenders.

"Anything that brings a more strict penalty for the use of illegal 
drugs in the course of drug trafficking, and the use of criminal 
organized structure-- these are all huge benefits to law 
enforcement," said Insp. Shaun Gissing, in charge of the Calgary 
Police Service organized crime section, who welcomed the changes.

While tougher sentencing will help crack down on drug trafficking, 
Calgary Ald. Ric McIvor said addressing mandatory treatment for drug 
addicts will also act as a deterrent.

"The other way you hurt drug dealers is by taking away their 
customers," said McIvor, who sits on the Calgary police commission.

Canada's Controlled Drugs and Substances Act currently contains no 
mandatory prison sentences for anyone convicted under the act.

However, the new bill proposes:

- - a one-year mandatory jail term for dealing drugs while using a 
weapon, or for dealing drugs in support of organized crime;

- - a two-year mandatory term for dealing cocaine, heroin or 
methamphetamines to young people, or for dealing them near a school 
or any place young people are known to frequent;

- - a mandatory six-month sentence for growing as little as one 
marijuana plant, for the purposes of trafficking;

- - a two-year mandatory term for running a marijuana grow operation of 
at least 500 plants;

- - a doubling of the maximum prison term for cannabis production from 
seven to 14 years.

Federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said Tuesday the changes in 
the sentencing provisions are designed to target the people the 
government considers at the root of the drug supply problem.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom