Pubdate: Fri, 02 Nov 2007
Source: Dominion Post, The (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2007 The Dominion Post
Author: Anna Chalmers
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


New Zealanders have made a U-turn on relaxing cannabis laws, with 
only one in five people now supporting liberalisation.

Research issued yesterday by the Drug Foundation shows that just 19 
per cent want cannabis laws liberalised, down from 60 per cent in 2000.

Its use is banned under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.

The UMR Research study shows 46 per cent of the population want no 
change to cannabis laws, and 34 per cent want laws to be made 
tougher. Wellington scored highest, with 55 per cent of people polled 
wanting existing laws to remain.

Drug Foundation executive director Ross Bell said that as statistics 
indicated more than half of New Zealanders had tried cannabis, and 
one in eight regularly used the drug, it was time to re-examine the issue.

"Politicians are happy to spend a lot of time on party pills and P 
because they know they have the public onside. They don't want to 
talk about cannabis, because it's not seen as a vote-winning issue."

He said there were numerous issues relating to cannabis use that 
needed serious consideration,including the effects on health of 
smoking the drug, links with mental illness, high use by school 
pupils, medicinal use and driving under the influence of cannabis.

Mr Bell said the foundation was taking a neutral stance on the issue 
of decriminalisation, as it often polarised the debate.

Chris Wilkins, a senior drug researcher at Massey University's Centre 
for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation, said a survey 
in 2006 of people aged 15 to 45 found 58 per cent had tried cannabis 
and 18 per cent had used it in the past year. "It's by far the most 
commonly used illegal drug."

But Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton said though 
methamphetamine and BZP party pills had been the main source of 
public concern in recent years, the Government had not put cannabis 
in the too-hard basket.

New Zealanders had become worryingly complacent about cannabis and a 
concerted effort by government and communities was needed to minimise 
its harm, he said.

But Dr Wilkins said there was evidence to suggest the rates of 
cannabis use were falling.

The increased availability of amphetamine and ecstasy was providing 
drug users with alternatives, which were more consistent with current 
social values, he said.

Cannabis was seen as a Sixties drug and many of today's professionals 
had taken more stimulant-type drugs, that enabled them to work and 
party longer.


UMR Research findings issued by the NZ Drug Foundation. Sample size: 
750. Make the law a lot tougher - 25 per cent Make the law tougher - 
9 per cent (Total "tougher" = 34 per cent) Make the law more liberal 
- - 8 per cent Make the law a lot more liberal - 11 per cent (Total 
"more liberal" - 19 per cent) Make no change to the current law - 46 
per cent Unsure - 1 per cent
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom