Pubdate: Wed, 29 Aug 2007
Source: Miami Herald (FL)
Copyright: 2007 The Miami Herald
Author: Finn Kavanagh
Note: Finn Kavanagh, vice president of Phoenix House, chairs the 
Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association's Criminal Justice Committee.
Bookmark: (Treatment)


It's no secret that Florida's economy has taken it on the chin with
regard to the distressed housing market. The downturn in such a key
economic sector of our state has now compelled Gov. Charlie Crist to
ask Florida lawmakers to return once again to Tallahassee to reduce
the state's spending plan. But legislators will be faced with trimming
a budget already pruned pretty tightly. It's not just fat that will be
hitting the butcher's floor this time around. Budget reductions will
affect programs and policies of great significance in the sunshine

Legislators must wield their authority to reduce expenses wisely.
Elimination or reduction of seemingly nonessential programs has often
produced grave unintended consequences -- the result has been
penny-wise, pound-foolish spending plans that just defer greater
expenses until some later date.

Drug-addiction treatment services provided by Florida's state agencies
have always been vulnerable to cuts in times like these. Under normal
circumstances, the common sense and humanity of these programs isn't
questioned. But when times are bad, there is a limited constituency to
speak on behalf of some Florida's most vulnerable people.

Drug addiction is a problem that, when left untreated, exacts a
social, medical, legal and economic toll on our state so enormous it's
difficult to calculate. But effective addiction treatment has been
proven over and over to improve the quality of life in our state,
reduce expenses related to substance abuse and protect the safety of
the public.

A shining example of how these programs serve Florida are those
employed by the Florida Department of Corrections. Secretary James
McDonough is a gifted thinker -- not someone who develops policy on a
whim or without regard for the weighty obligations of his post. His
department embraces a policy of providing evidence-based addiction
treatment for inmates and offenders on probation.

This may seem a surprisingly humane luxury for the guy who was the
principal author of the U.S. Army's central fighting doctrine. But
just ask the MIT graduate why he makes this a priority, and you will
likely get a clear answer: Treating addicted criminals keeps the
streets safer. McDonough's department has compiled reliable data in
support of his policy: Three studies have demonstrated clearly that
drug treatment for Florida offenders on probation in the community
reduces recidivism by 27-30 percent. Treatment of addicted prisoners
demonstrated reductions of 11-15 percent in recidivism.

His policy is also supported by a national meta-analysis of more than
290 offender programs intended to reduce crime. This rigorous analyis
found that addiction treatment consistently proved its value in
reducing recidivism among criminal offenders -- more than supervision
and surveillance, more than electronic monitoring, more than
faith-based interventions and more than prison time. Addiction
treatment topped all of these programs for reducing crime among
convicted criminals.

Effective addiction treatment of criminal offenders is a fiscally
responsible public safety measure that must be protected and developed
as a cornerstone of public safety policy. As a matter of public safety
and fiscal responsibility, Florida legislators and Crist should
protect these important programs as they weigh decisions on budget
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake