Pubdate: Fri, 26 Jan 2007
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2007 Los Angeles Times
Author: Manuel S. Klausner
Note: Manuel S. Klausner, founder of the Reason Foundation, is a 
lawyer in Los Angeles. He filed the Reason Foundation's amicus brief 
in the Supreme Court medical marijuana case of Gonzales vs. Raich.
Cited: The Institute of Medicine report
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)


The Feds Should Stop Harassing Sick Patients Who Have the Legal Right 
to Use Marijuana.

IN THE FICTIONAL world of the hit show "24," federal law enforcement 
agencies are pouring every last resource into the search for a 
nuclear terrorist in Los Angeles.

In the real world, federal agents apparently have so much free time 
that they can dress up in bulletproof vests and masks in order to 
raid clinics that serve patients battling cancer, AIDS and other 
diseases. That's what happened last week as Drug Enforcement 
Administration agents stormed 11 medical marijuana dispensaries 
throughout L.A. and West Hollywood. We can all rest easier knowing 
that lollipops, cookies, candies and candy bars laced with marijuana 
are in no danger of reaching seriously ill patients.

Recall that 56% of California voters passed the Compassionate Use Act 
in 1996, making it legal for patients to obtain and use medical 
marijuana under the care of a doctor. A 2004 Field poll showed that 
support for the law has grown since its passage, with 74% of 
Californians now in favor of allowing sick patients to use marijuana. 
In 2004, SB 420 clarified how much medicinal cannabis patients could 
grow and possess, and it allowed local governments to set additional 

The West Hollywood City Council recently voted to control the number 
of medical marijuana dispensaries operating in the city. Last week, 
the Los Angeles Police Department submitted more than 40 
recommendations for controlling dispensaries, seeking to ban them 
from being within 1,000 feet of schools and to require owners to 
remove all litter "visible to the public within 100 feet of the 
premises at least twice daily." The dispensaries also have practiced 
self-regulation. Yes, there have been poorly run dispensaries and 
others looking to circumvent the system -- but the feds didn't focus on them.

Instead, this raid hit one of the best-run dispensaries in West 
Hollywood -- the Farmacy -- where patients must present valid medical 
information verified by doctors; where purchases are limited to 1 
ounce, even though the law allows patients to possess 8 ounces; where 
patients aren't allowed to medicate on the premises; and where anyone 
caught with forged documents is detained until police arrive and 
charged with a felony.

The Farmacy has been a leader in treatment and education. Caring for 
patients suffering from everything from cancer to glaucoma to 
multiple sclerosis, it teaches patients about the effects of 
different strains of indica and sativa marijuana and offers edibles 
and concentrated medicine in the form of oil to reduce the potential 
harm of smoking marijuana in plant form.

THE RAID ON the Farmacy shocked West Hollywood officials, who weren't 
notified of it in advance.

"We have worked closely with our community to ensure these 
establishments operate safely and comply with the spirit of 
Proposition 215," West Hollywood City Council member Jeffrey Prang said.

"The DEA is here to enforce federal drug laws," Special Agent Sarah 
Pullen declared, and, strictly speaking, she was right. In a 2001 
case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the "medical necessity" of a 
patient could not be used as a defense against federal drug 
enforcement. (The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classifies 
marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug with "no medical uses" -- making it 
worse in the eyes of the feds than cocaine, methamphetamine and many 
other drugs.) In 2005, the court ruled that federal authorities could 
even stop a seriously ill patient from cultivating marijuana for her 
personal use.

In her dissent from that decision, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor 
declared that such "overreaching stifles an express choice by some 
states." Justice John Paul Stevens noted in his opinion for the court 
that Congress could revisit its outdated law to deal with the "strong 
arguments that marijuana does have valid therapeutic purposes."

Meanwhile, the DEA can still bully its way past California law while 
ignoring its own spectacular policy failures. The DEA has failed to 
significantly reduce marijuana consumption despite breathtaking 
increases in arrests and incarcerations. And its recent efforts aimed 
at keeping medicine from patients are shamefully transparent attempts 
to go after an easy target: Marijuana dispensaries operate openly, 
and cancer patients are limited in their ability to evade law enforcement.

The arcane classification of marijuana under the Controlled 
Substances Act persists despite the government's own actions and data 
to the contrary. In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration approved 
Marinol pills, which use the active ingredient in marijuana (THC) to 
treat nausea and vomiting. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine, part 
of the National Academy of Sciences, concluded that "the evidence is 
relatively strong for the [marijuana] treatment of pain and, 
intriguing although less well established, for movement disorders."

So what can be done? Congress must reclassify marijuana in accord 
with the standards of science and medicine. The law simply needs to be fixed.

Until that time, the DEA should find better ways to spend its time 
and resources. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) has called 
on the federal government to leave California -- and the 10 other 
states that have approved medical marijuana -- alone. His bipartisan 
bill, co-sponsored by Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.), was voted 
down 264 to 161 in 2005.

This reform is overdue. It should be an urgent priority for our new 
Congress to stop the Justice Department from arresting or harassing 
sick people in 11 states who have the legal right to use medical marijuana. 
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