Pubdate: Thu, 01 Mar 2007
Source: American Journal of Public Health (US)
Section: Volume 97(3), March 2007, pp 437-447
Copyright: 2007 American Public Health Association
Author: Barbara Tempalski, PhD, MPH, Peter L. Flom, PhD, Samuel R. 
Friedman, PhD, Don C. Des Jarlais, PhD, Judith J. Friedman, PhD, 
Courtney McKnight, MPH, Risa Friedman, MPH
Bookmark: (Harm Reduction)
Bookmark: (Needle Exchange)


Framing Health Matters

About the Authors: Barbara Tempalski, Peter L. Flom, Samuel R. 
Friedman, and Don C. Des Jarlais are with the Center for Drug Use and 
HIV Research, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc, New 
York, NY. Samuel R. Friedman is also with the Department of 
Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 
Baltimore, Md. Don C. Des Jarlais is also with the Baron de 
Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical Center, 
New York. Judith J. Friedman is with the Department of Sociology, 
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ. Courtney McKnight is with the 
Baron de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel 
Medical Center, NY. Risa Friedman is with the Department of Public 
Health, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador. Requests 
for reprints should be sent to Barbara Tempalski, PhD, MPH, National 
Development and Research Institutes, 71 W 23rd St, 8th Floor, New 
York, NY 10010. This article was accepted March 13, 2006.

Abstract Community activism can be important in shaping public health policies.

For example, political pressure and direct action from grassroots 
activists have been central to the formation of syringe exchange 
programs (SEPs) in the United States. We explored why SEPs are 
present in some localities but not others, hypothesizing that 
programs are unevenly distributed across geographic areas as a result 
of political, socioeconomic, and organizational characteristics of 
localities, including needs, resources, and local opposition. We 
examined the effects of these factors on whether SEPs were present in 
different US metropolitan statistical areas in 2000. Predictors of 
the presence of an SEP included percentage of the population with a 
college education, the existence of local AIDS Coalition to Unleash 
Power (ACT UP) chapters, and the percentage of men who have sex with 
men in the population. Need was not a predictor.

In the United States, injection drug users account for about one 
third of all AIDS cases 1 and nearly two thirds of new hepatitis C 
cases.2 Syringe exchange programs (SEPs), in which injection drug 
users exchange used syringes for sterile ones, can address 
potentially rapid increases in rates of HIV infection in this 
population. If sufficient numbers of sterile syringes are supplied, 
users can inject with a new syringe each time, dramatically reducing, 
if not eliminating, sharing with others because of an inadequate supply.

This should then reduce HIV transmission among injection drug users.3 
SEPs are accepted as essential components of HIV and hepatitis C 
prevention in many parts of the world.

The United States is a stark exception.

Since 1988, the federal government has withheld funding for SEPs 
contingent on evidence that they reduce the transmission of 
blood-borne disease without encouraging injection drug use (IDU).4 
Despite the lack of support at the federal level, numbers of 
exchanges and numbers of syringes exchanged have increased 
considerably over the past 15 years.

As of November 2006, according to the North American Syringe Exchange 
Network, more than 190 SEPs were known to be operating in 36 states, 
the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico and on American Indian 
lands.5 Although public health authorities may support SEPs, many 
states and localities have been reluctant to authorize them. This 
political situation, however, is not unique.

Historically, politics has been a pivotal factor in intensifying both 
the spread 6,7 and prevention 8,9 of disease.

Social movements have shaped public health policies in the United 
States, France, Great Britain, and Canada.10-13 The "great sanitary 
movement" during the mid-19th century in Britain, for example, was 
driven chiefly by local activists appalled by the living and working 
conditions of the urban poor.8 Social movements ranging from the 
feminist health movement to AIDS activism have restructured many 
health-related issues, including treatment services, health care 
reform, AIDS policy, and the destigmatization of groups such as 
injection drug users.14-17 At present, the controversy over the 
formation of SEPs in the United States represents a compelling 
example of the politics of disease and illustrates how struggles over 
health care access bring underlying conflicts to the surface.

Although SEPs remain controversial and continue to face obstacles 
from the federal government and state governments, they also continue 
to gain support as a method of reducing harm among injection drug 
users. Some of the first SEPs in the United States were established 
by activists on their own initiative, and some of these programs 
later gained legitimacy and funding from local city government and 
public health programs.

Currently, more than half of the country's SEPs are nongovernmental 
programs established by independent local actors.18 Social and 
political processes are important determinants of social change and 
actions that affect health policy, epidemiology, and prevention services.

We explored the effects of place characteristics, including need for 
services, local resources, community opposition, and grassroots 
political action, on the geographic availability of SEPs in the 
United States.1 We defined "place" as the set of social, political, 
and geographic relations that create a spatial context in which 
differential responses to IDU-related HIV infection are structured. 
Drawing on the broader health, social, and political geography 
literature, we identified place characteristics that affect spatial 
variation in SEPs. We hypothesized that the uneven geographic 
distribution of SEPs in the United States can be attributed to the 
particular political, socioeconomic, and organizational 
characteristics that affect local service needs, resources, and 
opposition. Using data from the 2000 Beth Israel National Survey of 
Syringe Exchange Programs,19 we examined the effects of program need, 
political factors, and socioeconomic and organizational 
characteristics on the presence of SEPs.

Activism, Politics, And Opposition To Syringe Exchange Programs

A struggle exists in the United States between law enforcement and 
medical providers as to whether drug users should be defined as 
criminals or medical patients.

One effect of this struggle is that the United States has been the 
historical leader in law enforcement and abstinence-based approaches 
to illicit drug use,20 which has fueled stigmatization of services 
aimed toward injectors.

 From this perspective, potential or organized opposition to SEPs in 
the United States assumes several forms. The first form of opposition 
is institutional opposition, including opposition from district 
attorneys, politicians, police officials, and beat officers,21,22 and 
legal opposition through the enactment of state and local legislation 
such as drug paraphernalia laws and laws banning over-the-counter 
sale of syringes.23 The second form is community opposition, 
including opposition organized by clergy and neighborhood or business 
associations and opposition from within particular sectors of 
minority communities (e.g., African American clergy and politicians) 
to syringe exchange and methadone maintenance programs.24-26 The 
third form is negative media portrayals of injection drug users and 
services designed to help them (D. Purchase, Point Defiance AIDS 
Projects, oral communication, June 2002).27 These forms of opposition 
are neither mutually exclusive nor static.

A change in opposition from one source (e.g., local political 
leadership) can affect support from others.

Thus, resistance to SEPs does not exist in isolation.

In fact, the most harmful opposition usually involves a combination 
of different players. A community's support of or opposition to the 
establishment of an SEP may depend on its residents' perceptions of 
drug users and the local context in which they live and use 
drugs.28,29 Illicit drug use-particularly injection drug use-carries 
a heavy stigma.

As a result, localized community resistance based on such attitudes 
is often mobilized to prevent the opening or expansion of health and 
social service facilities.30,31 Many state and local government 
bodies have been unwilling or unable to respond effectively to the 
HIV epidemic among injection drug users.

Government inaction and active opposition occur at different 
bureaucratic levels, affecting the distribution and availability of 
the resources necessary to establish SEPs. The situation in Tacoma, 
Wash, where the first publicly funded SEP in the United States was 
established, illustrates the complexity involved in setting up an 
SEP. In 1988, the county health department had to sue the city to 
obtain promised funds to set up an SEP when the city withheld funds, 
arguing that the exchange violated drug paraphernalia laws. In 
winning that case, the department set a standard for other counties 
in the state, and the eventual result was a state-level decision to 
legalize SEPs.32 The various forms of political opposition to SEPs 
suggest that organized local support for these programs has been 
crucial to their formation in the United States. SEPs often are the 
result of direct action by grassroots activists.

Bluthenthal 10 suggested that government inaction created a perceived 
need for SEPs enabling harm reduction activists in Oakland, Calif, 
and elsewhere to set up programs.

The efforts of local volunteers and a local political environment 
that encouraged solidarity were among the conditions that led to the 
formation of an activist-oriented SEP in Oakland. Further political 
opposition can come from a lack of leadership. In a recent study, 
Downing et al.33 found that a lack of leadership in the political and 
public health sectors and a fear of implementing or even discussing 
needle exchange because of perceived political opposition were the 
biggest barriers to the establishment of SEPs in some localities. In 
other situations, strong support by individuals in the community can 
lead to wide support for SEPs and produce government action, as the 
Tacoma case illustrates. Tacoma's SEP was established as a result of 
the actions of Dave Purchase and other local stakeholders. 
Recognizing that many injection drug users were dying of AIDS and 
recognizing the lack of government response, Purchase set up a 
street-based SEP. He described the pre-SEP situation in Tacoma as 
follows: People were going to die. I had some time on my hands.

I had some friends that did help out a lot and never got the credit 
they deserve.

We started in the summer of '88, and every couple of years there's 
another brouhaha with the same old argument.

The fact of the matter is that there have been enough local political 
people with backbone that have supported us and so has the health 
department, and so we've weathered attacks.

And politics is still a number one problem.

AIDS is all politics; it's not science and stuff like that (D. 
Purchase, oral communication, June 2002). In other areas, local 
direct action has been less successful. In 1999, New Jersey reported 
more than 19 000 cumulative IDU-related AIDS cases, and 2.3% of the 
residents of the Jersey City metropolitan statistical area (MSA) were 
injecting drugs.

However, the governor and city officials opposed distributing sterile 
syringes to injection drug users, and local police arrested clients 
and volunteers in an attempt to suppress the state's only publicly 
visible SEP. In the United States, development and maintenance of 
services for injection drug users, specifically SEPs, are linked to 
specific activist groups and social movements such as the AIDS 
Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) and the harm reduction movement.

In the late 1980s, concerned activists, usually former or current 
drug users or members of ACT UP, began setting up SEPs in some 
localities. In the past, ACT UP had successfully used "direct action" 
(i.e., political activism strategies such as demonstrations and 
workplace occupations) to contest the stigmatization of people with 
AIDS by highlighting the underlying stigmatization rooted in 
homophobia. Many of the same activists adopted a similar philosophy 
and tactics in creating and demanding AIDS prevention services for 
injection drug users by distributing clean needles to users 
regardless of legality.34 Members of the harm reduction movement-a 
unique assemblage of recovering drug users, AIDS activists, 
researchers in the areas of substance use and HIV, and community 
health educators and workers-continue to volunteer at SEPs, even when 
some are repeatedly arrested for distributing syringes.

Place Characteristics

Although social and political factors are important determinants of 
public policies and other "community actions" that affect public 
health, as argued by Nathanson,35 they have not been adequately studied.

Some comparative and local studies of community actions have 
investigated sociopolitical factors that shape the distribution of 
programs that address certain public health issues and social problems.

For example, human resource characteristics such as education and 
income predict whether and when chapters of anti-drunk-driving 
organizations have formed in US counties.36 Chiotti and Joseph's 37 
research showed that a community's negative attitudes toward an AIDS 
hospice were in part because of the dominant forms of social 
stratification (dictated by class and culture) entrenched in the community.

Miller's 38 study of antinuclear activism in the Boston area showed 
that socioeconomic variables relating to class, labor, and place were 
significantly related to whether a community mobilized against 
nuclear development. We adapted a framework developed by Judith J. 
Friedman 39,40 to the adoption of SEPs. The framework emphasizes 4 
types of local characteristics important to the distribution of 
institutionalized programs in cities or MSAs. The first is the need 
for the program in the MSA. The second is the extent of local 
resources useful in implementing the program.

Two types of local resources are important: general and specialized. 
A specialized resource is useful for only a narrow range of programs, 
including SEPs, whereas a more general resource is useful for a wide 
range of activities. The third characteristic is the strength of 
organized or potential opposition to the program, and the fourth is 
the strength of organized or potential support for the program.

Within this framework, we identified appropriate predictors of 
differences in SEP availability in metropolitan areas.

Hypotheses And Selection Of Predictors

Our first hypothesis was that need for action will increase the 
likelihood of an SEP being formed.

Although some studies of health-related programs have shown that 
indicators of need are not strong predictors of program 
adoption,18,39 we theorized that MSAs with greater levels of 
epidemiological need (need for more or better services or health 
programs) will be more likely to provide harm reduction services, 
including SEPs. Thus, communities with larger populations of 
injection drug users and higher AIDS case rates among these 
populations will be more likely than other communities to have SEPs. 
In addition, states regulate syringe access through over-the-counter 
syringe laws (anti-over-the-counter laws); these laws work against 
injection drug users having access to clean syringes.

As a result, SEPs are especially needed in areas where 
anti-over-the-counter laws prevent the sale of syringes. Second, we 
hypothesized that the availability of local resources useful in 
creating an SEP will increase the likelihood of the formation of an 
SEP. As mentioned, 2 types of resources are important, general and 
specialized. MSAs vary in terms of general resources.

Resources useful for public health programs include university 
departments of public health and local medical schools, both of which 
may affect SEP formation.

For example, localities with a medical school have been found to be 
more likely to undertake new community-based interventions for asthma 
41 and to develop infant and maternal care programs.39 Research has 
shown that specialized resources predict community action with 
respect to new approaches to breast cancer treatment.42 Similarly, 
concentrations of medical and public health researchers have been 
found to predict expansion of local insurance coverage for 
children.43 Specialized resources that might facilitate SEP 
implementation include ratios of medical and public health 
researchers or teaching professionals, and special community services 
for HIV/AIDS patients (e.g., hospitals offering specialized care for 
HIV/AIDS patients) or injection drug users (e.g., availability of 
drug treatment services). These specialized resources suggest a 
concentration of people likely to organize and support a movement for 
an SEP. Our third hypothesis was that organized or potential 
opposition to SEPs will reduce the likelihood of SEP formation.

The various forms of opposition to SEPs in the United States 
illustrate the politics involved in implementing controversial public 
health measures.

We categorized opposition into 3 forms: institutional, community, and media.

Studies of the adoption of programs such as urban renewal have shown 
that the supply of resources available to opponents and the types of 
neighborhood organization in place are predictors of whether 
resistance is successful.44 Institutionalized opposition on the part 
of local business leaders, party officials, and government actors is 
a key determinant of successful resistance against urban renewal.

In the area of public health, strongly organized opposition has often 
resulted in delays in the establishment of public health intervention 
programs for drug users in US cities.26,45 As mentioned, 
institutional opposition to SEPs and other harm reduction programs 
involves law enforcement activities initiated by district attorneys, 
politicians, police officials, and beat officers,46,47 as well as 
state and local legislation prohibiting possession of drug 
paraphernalia or over-the-counter sales of syringes.23,48 Community 
opposition can take several forms, including "not in my backyard" 
opposition from neighborhood or business associations 49 and broader 
opposition from local clergy and minority interest 
organizations.24-26 We used the following as measures of whether 
minority communities would be likely to oppose syringe exchange or 
methadone maintenance programs: residential segregation according to 
Hispanic or Black race/ethnicity (using the residential segregation 
dissimilarity index),50 percentage of the population that is Black or 
Hispanic, and Black-White and Hispanic-White income differentials. 
Finally, opposition can come from negative portrayals of injection 
drug users, and services aimed toward them, in the local media and 
newspapers.27 These types of opposition typically involve a criminal 
viewpoint approach to problems of drug use in communities. We 
suspect, then, that the main arguments of those opposed to the 
formation of SEPs focus on the idea that these programs encourage 
drug use. Our fourth and final hypothesis was that organized or 
potential support for programs will increase the probability of SEP formation.

These types of support can originate from 2 sources: institutional 
sources, such as public health departments, research organizations 
and universities, and long-standing programs for injection drug users 
(e.g., methadone maintenance programs), and community mobilization sources.

Community mobilization refers to efforts mounted through social 
movements to shape public health. We organized variables for 
institutional support as the early presence in a community of 
federally funded outreach programs for injection drug users.

We theorized that such support would increase the likelihood of the 
presence of an SEP and lessen community opposition to SEPs or other 
services targeted toward injection drug users.

A variety of local organizations such as ACT UP, other AIDS advocacy 
groups, drug user advocacy groups, and political groups can be 
involved in community mobilization. We included data on local ACT UP 
chapters, and we used men who had sex with men (MSM) as a proxy 
measure for community support from AIDS advocacy groups. We 
hypothesized that 4 kinds of "place" characteristics would help us 
predict the distribution of SEPs among MSAs in the United States in 
2000: (1) local need for an SEP (and related harm reduction 
programs), (2) specialized and general resources, (3) organized and 
potential opposition, and (4) organized and potential support.

These place characteristics are interrelated. Presumably, need should 
increase concern about underlying health issues and hence increase 
the probability of support for an SEP as well as the probability that 
an organization or individual will begin the process of setting up an 
SEP. Need is not the only factor, however, and some communities with 
a relatively low level of need will develop an SEP. In addition, the 
probability of an SEP being established is a function of the 
resources available to those involved in implementing the SEP. 
Resources useful for any kind of program, those useful for public 
health programs and those specifically useful to harm reduction 
programs, are all important.

Support and opposition become critical once the idea of an SEP exists 
within the community.

Opposition, even assumed opposition, can hinder steps toward forming 
an SEP. Strong organized opposition can kill a proposal or result in 
an SEP operating only for a short time. Support for those organizing 
and then running the SEP, in contrast, increases the probability of 
success. METHODS We used the framework described to construct 
logistic regression models exploring how need, support and 
opposition, and metropolitan socioeconomic characteristics were 
related to whether SEPs were present in 96 MSAs in the United States 
in 2000. The US Census Bureau 51 defines an MSA as a set of 
contiguous counties that contain a central city of 50 000 people or 
more and form a socioeconomic unit determined according to commuting 
patterns and social and economic integration within the constituent counties.

We included data on the 96 largest MSAs as of 1993. We used MSAs as 
the unit of analysis for 3 reasons.

First, they allowed continuity with a previous set of estimates 
calculated by Holmberg 52-estimates of HIV prevalence rates, numbers 
of injection drug users, and numbers of MSM within 96 MSAs-that we 
used as a basis for the variables included in our analysis.

Second, more published health data are available for the county units 
that make up MSAs than for individual municipalities. Third, as a 
result of their economic and social unity, MSAs are a reasonable 
means of studying drug-related HIV and other epidemics.

Furthermore, they are meaningful units for assessing drug users and 
services given that many injection drug users who live in the suburbs 
buy drugs (and perhaps obtain drug-related services) in the central 
city. It is important to address the concern about when our 
independent variables were measured and thus the lag between 
measurement times and 2000, the year for which we assessed whether 
SEPs were present in the different MSAs assessed (the dependent 
variable). Our main concern was that as many predictor variables as 
possible had been measured before the period when most SEPs formed 
(in the mid-1990s, approximately 1992 to 1998). The study was limited 
by the periods for which relevant data were available for MSAs; for 
example, estimates of per capita numbers of injection drug users were 
available only for 1993 and 1998, and MSM estimates were available 
only for 1993. Data on these and other predictor variables, including 
"need" variables such as the estimated number of injection drug users 
and the percentage of injection drug users among AIDS patients, were 
relatively stable over this time period and indeed remained 
relatively stable after SEPs had been implemented. Dependent Variable 
The dependent variable was the presence of an SEP in an MSA as of 
2000. Data on the dependent variable were derived from the Beth 
Israel National Survey of Syringe Exchange Programs, conducted in 
conjunction with the North American Syringe Exchange Network. As of 
2000, 47 of the 96 MSAs assessed had at least 1 SEP. Independent 
Variables Data at the MSA level were available on a range of social, 
demographic, and structural variables.

We included a number of socioeconomic and demographic variables that 
others have suggested are related to different program-presence 
variables,53,54 including percentage of the population that is Black 
or Hispanic, residential segregation dissimilarity index, 
unemployment level and breakdown of unemployment according to 
race/ethnicity, median family income ratio (e.g., ratio of Black 
median income to White median income), and percentage of the 
population below the poverty level.

We also included data on other structural variables provided by the 
Lewis Mumford Center for Comparative Urban and Regional Research.50 
Table 1 presents statistics on the independent variables.

Indicators of the need for an SEP included AIDS prevalence rate among 
injection drug users (derived from the AIDS Public Information Data 
Set 55), number of injection drug users in an MSA (derived from 
estimates provided by Holmberg 52), and laws prohibiting 
over-the-counter sales of syringes (details on these laws were 
derived from Burris et al.23 and Friedman et al.48). 
Anti-over-the-counter legislation was a dichotomous variable (1=yes, 
0=no). Thirty-six of the 96 MSAs were located in states that had 
passed anti-over-the-counter syringe laws as of 1993.

TABLE 1-Distribution of Independent Variables Among 96 MSAs, by 
Category: 1989-993 We measured 2 variables pertaining to general 
resource availability: number of public health and medical 
researchers per 10 000 population and number of public health and 
medical teaching professionals per 10 000 population. Data for both 
variables were derived from the 1990 Bureau of Health Professions 
Area Resource File.56 In addition, we assessed the availability of 2 
specialized resources: number of drug treatment slots per 10 000 
population, a measure of the services available to substance users 
(derived from the 1992 Treatment Episode Data Set 57), and number of 
hospitals with specialized HIV/AIDS care units per 10 000 population 
(derived from the Bureau of Health Professions Area Resource File 56).

Institutional opposition can be manifested through police harassment 
of injection drug users via drug arrests, arrests of SEP participants 
for carrying syringes, and harassment and arrests of SEP staff.21,22 
We viewed these variables as symbolizing a "criminal justice" 
approach to social problems, an approach consistent with hostility 
toward SEPs. We assessed a pair of institutional opposition 
variables: number of arrests for possession of cocaine or heroin per 
10 000 population ("hard drug arrests"; derived from Uniform Crime 
Reporting Program county-level arrest data 58) and number of police 
employees per 10 000 population (derived from Uniform Crime Reporting 
Program data on police force employees).59

We categorized 2 types of organized or institutional support.

The first was the presence of an outreach program for injection drug 
users and, in certain instances, their partners (compiled from data 
reported by Brown and Beschner 60 and the National Institute on Drug 
Abuse 61). The second was the number of methadone maintenance 
programs in a given MSA as of 1989 (as reported in the 1989 National 
Drug and Alcoholism Treatment Unit Survey 62). Finally, we classified 
potential or actual community mobilization as efforts by grassroots 
organizations and local activists to develop and sustain programs for 
stigmatized groups.

General gay political influence and concern regarding HIV/AIDS 
prevention and the direct involvement of gay and lesbian activists in 
ACT UP may have influenced the establishment of SEPs and perhaps 
deterred the efforts of political authorities to prevent their formation.

The following variables were used in assessing community mobilization 
in support of SEPs: (1) the presence of an ACT UP chapter, many of 
which initiated SEPs or expanded local drug treatment and other HIV 
prevention service capacities (as cited in records maintained by 
members of New York ACT UP and in various literature reviews 63-65; 
19 MSAs had local ACT UP chapters as of 2000); (2) estimates of MSM 
populations as a measure of potential AIDS-interested constituencies 
52; and (3) percentage of MSM with AIDS in a given MSA (included as a 
measure of impetus to gain gay support for SEPs; derived from the 
AIDS Public Information Data Set 55).

Data Analysis

As a result of the large number of potential independent variables 
and the relatively small number of MSAs, we developed a 4-step 
process to reduce the number of independent variables.

First, we conducted bivariate analyses to determine the independent 
variables that exhibited a statistically significant association with 
SEP presence (P(.20 was used as the screening criterion to avoid 
deleting potentially significant predictors). Second, we grouped 
variables found to be significant into 5 categories for domain 
analysis.66,67 Next, within each domain, we used logistic regression 
techniques to identify variables that were significant independent 
predictors at P(.05. Finally, we applied logistic techniques to the 
pooled set of independent variables significant at P(.05 to determine 
the final model predictors.


Within each overall category of indicators, there were significant 
(P(.20) associations between independent variables and the presence 
of an SEP (Table 2). In the category of need, significant variables 
were percentage of injection drug users in the general population, 
number of AIDS cases per 1000 injection drug users, and presence of 
anti-over-the-counter syringe laws. In the resource availability 
category, number of public health and medical researchers and number 
of drug treatment slots per 10 000 population were significant. In 
the institutional opposition category, number of hard drug arrests 
per 10 000 population was significant.

TABLE 2-Domain-Specific Bivariate Relations Between Independent 
Variables and Presence of a Syringe Exchange Program (SEP): 96 
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 2000 (MSAs), 2000

In the organized or potential support category, significant variables 
were percentage of MSM in the general population, number of AIDS 
cases per 1000 MSM, presence of an ACT UP chapter, early program 
outreach to injection drug users, and number of methadone maintenance programs.

Finally, the following socioeconomic indicators were significant: MSA 
population, Black-White and Hispanic-White median income ratios, 
Hispanic residential segregation index, and percentage of the 
population with a college education. Variables that were significant 
in the domain analyses (Table 3) at P(.05 (and their respective 
domains) were (1) number of AIDS cases per 1000 injection drug users 
(need); (2) number of public health and medical researchers per 10 
000 population (resource availability); (3) percentage of MSM in the 
population, presence of an ACT UP chapter, and number of methadone 
maintenance programs in 1989 (organized or potential support); and 
(4) number of hard drug arrests per 10 000 population (institutional 
opposition). In addition, 2 socioeconomic indicators, percentage of 
the population with a college education and MSA population, were significant.

TABLE 3-Significant Predictors in Domain-Specific Multiple Logistic 
Regression Analysis

In the final, fully adjusted model (Table 4), significant independent 
predictors of the presence of an SEP as of 2000 were ACT UP presence 
(adjusted odds ratio [OR].367; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.111, 
116.250) and percentage of the population with a college education 
(adjusted OR=1.173; 95% CI=1.003, 1.372). Percentage of MSM in the 
general population (adjusted OR=1.213; 95% CI=0.987, 1.490) was of 
borderline significance.

TABLE 4-Significant Predictors in Multivariate Logistic Regression Analyses

Of the 96 MSAs, 19 had ACT UP chapters; of these chapters, all but 1 
(Houston) had at least 1 SEP. Because of the small number of MSAs 
with ACT UP chapters but no SEP, it was difficult to conduct 
multivariate analyses using this variable.

Approximately 40% of the MSAs in our study had SEPs despite not 
having an ACT UP chapter. We conducted 2 additional analyses to 
assess whether SEP presence was simply a product of ACT UP presence.

First, we ran the same model described earlier with ACT UP presence 
as the dependent variable.

Significant predictors of the presence of an ACT UP chapter were 
number of AIDS cases among MSM (adjusted OR=1.105; 95% CI=1.015, 
1.202) and MSA population (adjusted OR=1.090; 95% CI=1.018, 1.167) 
(Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test P=.6768). Predictors of ACT UP 
presence were quite different from predictors of SEP presence. To 
further explore the interaction between SEP presence and ACT UP 
presence, we analyzed SEP presence among 77 MSAs without ACT UP chapters.

The bivariate results were similar to our original analysis.

In the fully adjusted model, significant independent predictors of 
the presence of an SEP as of 2000 for those areas without ACT UP 
chapters were percentage of the population with a college education 
(adjusted OR=1.229; 95% CI=1.040, 1.452; P=.0156) and percentage of 
MSM in the population (adjusted OR=1.250; 95% CI=0.997, 1.567; 
P=.0520). Research has shown that, in many cities, SEPs have been 
initiated by ACT UP members.17,63-65 Here this very direct form of 
causation resulted in a large predictive value between the presence 
of ACT UP chapters and the formation of SEPs. The results of our 
analysis indicate that the presence of an ACT UP chapter is almost a 
sufficient condition for the presence of an SEP but that it is not a 
necessary condition.

However, continued research regarding this topic is needed to 
understand the factors associated with the correlation of ACT UP 
presence to SEP presence. MSAs were more likely to have SEPs in 2000 
if they had ACT UP chapters, higher percentages of MSM in their 
population, and higher percentages of college-educated residents.

In the absence of ACT UP chapters, percentages of college-educated 
residents and percentages of MSM in the population remained the 
important predictors.


Limitations Despite our efforts to gather variables that best 
captured our theoretical framework, we were limited by the 
information available in the secondary data sets and public use files 
we used. Furthermore, some of these data sets involved missing values 
when information was aggregated to the MSA unit of analysis.

For example, 1993 arrest data for Kansas, the District of Columbia, 
and Florida were not available in the public use files.

However, we were able to compile Florida drug arrest data from 
county-level data (state of Florida crime reports). However, we were 
unable to account for missing values for the Wichita, Kan, and 
District of Columbia MSAs. Moreover, given our difficulty in 
obtaining data relating to opposition, we were not able to measure 
potential community opposition, including opposition from local media 
and newspapers. In addition, in the case of our dependent variable, 
SEP presence, we included only those programs that responded to the 
Beth Israel National Survey of Syringe Exchange Programs. 
Twenty-seven of the 154 programs did not respond to the survey in 
2000, despite repeated follow-ups. Fortunately, only 1 of these 27 
programs was located in a study MSA. We reanalyzed the data to 
account for the missing SEP using the same methods described earlier, 
and the results did not differ. Finally, our analysis was limited to 
MSA boundaries, leading to the omission of 8 SEPs located within 10 
mi (16 km) of the MSAs assessed.

Future research might include a spatial buffering component so that 
such SEPs can be incorporated into the analyses.

Future studies should also include analyses of SEPs as a 
time-dependent variable, which would help provide an understanding of 
the geographic diffusion of programs in the United States over time 
and across space. Conclusions Our results are consistent with current 
theory positing that SEPs are often established as a result of 
political pressure or direct action by grassroots activists and 
organizations such as ACT UP. We identified 3 independent predictors 
of the presence of an SEP. Overall, MSAs with high percentages of MSM 
in their population were more likely to have SEPs, as were those with 
ACT UP chapters.

As mentioned, 19 of the 96 MSAs assessed had an ACT UP chapter, and 
all but 1 of these 19 had at least 1 SEP. This indicates a strong 
association between the presence of local ACT UP chapters and the 
presence of an SEP and implies that activism influences provision of 
services. We found that both active solidarity (ACT UP presence) and 
potential solidarity (higher percentages of MSM in the population, 
suggesting more concern with HIV/AIDS issues and education) are 
positive factors in forming and, possibly, sustaining SEPs in the 
United States. Furthermore, when we did not account for ACT UP 
presence in the model, percentage of MSM in an MSA was significant. 
Thus, SEPs are more likely to be located in areas with high 
percentages of MSM, even after control for ACT UP presence.

This finding provides further evidence that efforts by grassroots and 
AIDS activists have made a significant contribution to helping to 
curb the HIV epidemic among injection drug users. The relationship 
between the percentage of college-educated individuals in an MSA and 
the presence of an SEP in that MSA was also significant; MSAs with 
higher percentages of college-educated residents were more likely to 
have SEPs. Although education may be a proxy for volunteerism, 
research suggests that individuals with a college diploma are more 
likely than those who have not attended college to be politically 
involved,68 to engage in civic activities,69,70 and to be receptive 
to new scientific technologies.71,72 It is likely that this 
individual-level demographic factor translates into increased support 
for SEPs at the MSA level. Contrary to our hypotheses, neither 
resource availability nor institutional opposition predicted the 
presence of an SEP. Need, as measured by the prevalence of AIDS cases 
among injection drug users or the percentage of users in the MSA 
population, also did not predict SEP presence, indicating a lack of 
association between need and services aimed toward populations of 
injection drug users.

Attempts to set up SEPs in New Jersey and Massachusetts serve as 
illustrations of the political processes leading to this lack of 
relationship. In New Jersey, injection drug use is the most 
frequently reported risk behavior among HIV-positive individuals.73 
Three of the state's MSAs (Jersey City, Newark, and Bergen-Passaic) 
have among the highest rates of IDU-related AIDS in the country (more 
than 32% among injectors as of 2001), and research has shown that the 
percentages of injection drug users in Jersey City and Newark are 
very high (2.3% and 1.6%, respectively, in 1993).52 The number of 
IDU-related AIDS cases in the state peaked in 1993, accounting for 
49% of the AIDS cases that year. Despite that alarming situation, in 
April 1996 then Governor Christine Whitman rejected the 
recommendations of her advisory council on AIDS to distribute clean 
needles to injection drug users and allow the sale of syringes in 
pharmacies. By 2000, the only publicly visible SEP in the state had 
been suppressed. The current situation in New Jersey is unpredictable 
and shaped by politics.

Under an executive order signed by former Governor Jim McGreevey in 
November 2004, up to 3 of the state's cities were slated to be 
approved to establish SEPs. The Camden and Atlantic City SEPs were 
expected to be operating by May of 2005, but on June 20, 2005, the 
Mercer County Superior Court issued an injunction staying the 
governor's executive order.

As a result, Atlantic City and Camden were not able to proceed (R. 
Scotti, Drug Policy Alliance New Jersey, oral communication, December 
2005). Two years after this study study was undertaken, New Jersey 
Governor Job Corzine signed the Bloodborne Disease Harm Reduction 
Act, which allows up to 6 cities in the state to establish SEPs. In 
Massachusetts in 1993, then Governor William Weld passed a law 
allowing 10 pilot SEPs in the state, with a clause leaving final 
approval for implementing programs to each locality.

Since 1993, several Massachusetts SEPs have been established, 
including programs in Boston, Cambridge, Provincetown, and 
Northampton. The most positive political climate for implementing an 
SEP was in Northampton, where the exchange was initiated by the mayor 
and the health commissioner, however, Northampton did not have the 
greatest need as measured by AIDS prevalence rates. By contrast, 
Springfield had a dire need for a program; an estimated 54% of all 
AIDS cases in Springfield were attributed to injection drug use.74 
Although the city's mayor, health commissioner, public health 
council, and board of health all had supported establishment of an 
SEP since 1998, Springfield's city council vetoed the much-needed 
program because of ongoing political pressure by a local citizen group.

The lack of correlation between program presence and need and the 
continued reluctance of policymakers to implement controversial 
initiatives such as methadone maintenance programs and SEPs can 
thwart efforts to reduce HIV transmission among injection drug users 
and their sexual partners. The lack of an association between program 
presence and need implies that current US political systems are not 
responding adequately to an important public health problem.

This is not unique: previous studies have shown that the presence of 
programs aimed at drunk driving,36 maternal and infant health,39 and 
smoking 35 is not related to the need for such programs.

When community needs are at odds with national policy, activism and 
mobilization at the local level are essential in implementing public 
health programs such as SEPs. Contributors B. Tempalski was 
responsible for theory concept; data acquisition, analysis, and 
interpretation; and the writing of the article.

P.L. Flom contributed to the analysis and interpretation of the data. 
S.R. Friedman contributed to the conception and design of the analysis.

D.C. Des Jarlais contributed to the conception and interpretation of 
the data. J.J. Friedman contributed to theory concept.

C. McKnight contributed to data acquisition. R. Friedman contributed 
to the writing of the article.


This research was part of a collaboration between the Community 
Vulnerability Response to IDU-Related HIV project at the National 
Development and Research Institutes, Inc (supported by the National 
Institute of Drug Abuse; grant R01 DA13336) and the National Survey 
of Syringe Exchange Programs at Beth Israel Medical Center (funded by 
the American Foundation for AIDS Research [grant 106611-38-PASA], the 
Elton John AIDS Foundation, and the Irene Diamond Foundation-Tides Foundation).

Special thanks to Peter L. Flom, Peter Hoff, and Sara McLafferty for 
their statistical advice; Judith Friedman for feedback on the theory 
framework; and Courtney McKnight for her help and advice regarding 
the Beth Israel Syringe Exchange Survey.

Human Participant Protection

No protocol approval was needed for this study.


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