Pubdate: Wed, 07 Jun 2006
Source: Caymanian Compass (Cayman Islands)
Copyright: 2006 Cayman Free Press Ltd.
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Last week, 30 children in Cayman Brac received  certificates and 
prizes for completing the DARE  programme delivered by the RCIPS.

All students from Spot Bay Junior School and West End  Primary School 
who completed the 10–week  anti–drugs and violence 
programme were recognized  for their dedication and achievement.

Seven Mile Beach Community Police Officer Jon Siddall  flew to the 
Brac once a week to carry out the programme  with the assistance of 
Cayman Brac Community Police  Officer Rob Stewart.

The DARE programme teaches children, ages 10–11,  about the 
dangers of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and  violence, said an RCIP press 
release. The aim to is to  provide students with the skills needed to 
avoid and  deal with situations involving any of these.

PC Siddall said: "It's always a pleasure to carry out  this programme 
and this session was no different. Every  time I carry out this 
training I am amazed at the  enthusiasm and keen involvement of the children.

"The programme goes beyond traditional drug abuse and  violence 
prevention programs and I hope all  participants gained some valuable 
skills that will help  them to resist the subtle and overt pressures 
that  cause them to experiment with drugs or become involved  in 
gangs or violent activities."

The RCIPS thanked Cayman Airways which sponsored PC  Siddall's 
flights to and from the Brac. Police also  recognized Lindzi Stewart 
for her hard work organising  displays, handouts, photographs and 
coverage in the  Brac Newsletter.

About DARE

DARE is universally viewed as an internationally recognized model of 
community policing. The United States Department of Justice has 
identified how DARE benefits local communities:

DARE 'humanizes' the police: that is, young people can begin to 
relate to officers as people;

DARE permits students to see officers in a helping role, not just an 
enforcement role;

DARE. opens lines of communication between law enforcement and youth;

DARE officers can serve as conduits to provide information beyond 
drug related topics;

DARE opens dialogue between the school, police, and parents to deal 
with other issues.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman