Pubdate: Sun, 10 Dec 2006
Source: Morning Star, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2006 The Morning Star
Author: Jennifer Dyck
Note: This is the second article in a three-part series aimed
at educating and creating awareness within the community about crystal
methamphetamine. Names are changed to protect identities.


The destructive wrath of crystal meth reaches all corners of society.

Not only can it ruin individual lives, but it can rip families apart.

As an emergency room physician and president of the Vernon Jubilee 
Hospital medical staff, Dr. Chris Cunningham has seen just how the 
drug destroys lives.

"Many examples come to mind, but one in particular...A young woman 
(16-years-old) who had used crystal meth for two years, starting with 
pot at 12-years-old. She was a nutritional wreck, skinny, a foul 
mouth with rotten teeth and covered with oozing skin sores.

"She was agitated, paranoid and very bizarre. She was getting by on 
the streets through prostitution.

"She came in for an unrelated issue but really just wanted a warm 
blanket and some food."

Like this young girl, the following personal stories tell the effects 
meth has had on their lives.

And although some cases do not have such a happy ending, others prove 
that with help, there is life after meth.
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MAP posted-by: Elaine