Pubdate: Sat, 07 Oct 2006
Source: Frontline (India)
Section: Volume 23 - Issue 20; Oct. 07-20, 2006;  World Affairs
Copyright: 2006 Frontline
Note: India's National Magazine
Author: Pallavi Aiyar, In Kunming
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Bookmark: (Methadone)
Bookmark: (Needle Exchange)
Bookmark: (Treatment)


The poor but scenic Yunnan province is in the forefront of China's 
battle against AIDS.

IT is a quiet morning at the Da Shu Ying Health Centre, an 
unobtrusive building tucked away in a warren of lower-middle class 
residential housing in downtown Kunming. The excited chattering of 
children playing at the adjoining primary school wafts into the 
clinic's foyer. A few staff outfitted in bright white lab coats swish 
around with patient files.

At around 9.30 a.m. the first patient of the day, Ou, walks in. His 
hair is combed back neatly and his expression is a little tense. He 
looks neither to the left nor to the right and heads straight for the 
medicine counter where he hands the two attendants a prescription. A 
few seconds later he is given a paper cup, the lime-green contents of 
which he gulps down gratefully in one swallow. His expression 
lightens and he exhales heavily in relief as he sits down on a nearby bench.

Ou is in fact a heroine addict. At 35, he has been using the drug for 
over 15 years. Having been arrested and locked up in police 
detoxification centres more than 10 times he had lost all hope of 
ever recovering. "I came close to suicide more than once. I lost my 
job, my wife divorced me and my mother died of grief," he recounts, 
his voice betraying little emotion. "I lost all decency and cheated 
my friends and family constantly for money," he continues.

Then around a year ago he heard of the Da Shu Ying Health Centre, one 
of the eight methadone treatment clinics the local government has 
opened in Kunming, capital of Yunnan province in southern China. 
Methadone is a synthesised narcotic, and at these centres it is 
administered to addicts orally under close medical supervision. The 
aim is to help heroine addicts break their habit, keep out of trouble 
with the law and ultimately remain protected from Acquired Immuno 
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

AIDS Capital

Yunnan, a multi-ethnic region of stunning sub-tropical scenery is one 
of China's main tourist draws but it also hides a more unsavoury 
reality. It is the AIDS capital of the middle kingdom, being home to 
some 40,000 of the 140,000 Chinese who are officially known to be 
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive. Experts say that in 
reality there could be upwards of 200,000 HIV cases in the province 
and even official estimates put the figure at around 80,000.

"We have a real crisis in Yunnan. We are doing everything in our 
power to fight it but the AIDS situation is only growing worse," says 
Zhang Chang An, Director of the Office for the Prevention and Control 
of HIV/AIDS of the province. Zhang is unusually candid for a 
government official, but then, Yunnan has been at the forefront of 
China's fight against the disease.

While many of China's other regions spend more time pretending that 
AIDS does not exist rather than facing up to it, Yunnan has begun to 
experiment with novel pilot projects such as methadone therapy and 
needle exchange programmes for intravenous drug-users. The province 
has also welcomed support from international organisations and 
devotes a substantial part of its over-stretched local budget to fighting HIV.

Impoverished and underdeveloped, Yunnan shares an over-4,000-km-long 
porous border with the notorious golden triangle states of Laos and 
Myanmar. The province thus has some of the worst drug and 
prostitution problems in the country. Geographical proximity to 
drug-producing areas means that heroine is easily available in a 
region already experiencing wrenching social dislocation.

China is experiencing some of the fastest social and economic changes 
ever witnessed in history and provinces such as Yunnan have been left 
behind while the economic boom has brought prosperity to the 
country's eastern seaboard. In Yunnan poverty forces young women to sell sex.

The local government is aware that this combination of growing drug 
use and commercial sex is deadly and that AIDS is a potential time 
bomb in the region. Last year alone 8,000 new HIV cases came to light 
in the province and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), 
only some 25 per cent of all HIV carriers in China have been tested 
for the virus, leaving 75 per cent of those infected ignorant of 
their status. The vast majority of HIV-positive people in Yunnan, as 
in the rest of the country, are thus unmonitored and unaccounted for.

China has an estimated 650,000 cases of HIV. With 70,000 new cases 
reported last year, some experts warn that if unchecked the number 
could rise to five million by 2010. "Predictions are very unreliable. 
The real numbers are anyone's guess because those who actually report 
into the system are so few," explains Ole Schack Hansen, Advocacy 
Adviser for UNAIDS China.

Changing Attitudes

For years the Chinese government denied it had an AIDS problem at 
all. The first cases of HIV were discovered in the late 1980s but 
were portrayed as isolated occurrences brought into the country by 
foreigners. The general lack of awareness of the disease that this 
attitude led to had tragic consequences. In the early 1990s a 
government-organised blood-buying programme in central China's Henan 
province resulted in the contamination with HIV of the entire 
province's blood supply.

Commercial blood sellers during this period paid donors for plasma. 
In order to maximise profits they separated red blood cells from the 
plasma and then re-infused the donors with pooled red blood cells so 
that they could donate blood more frequently. An estimated 70,000 to 
250,000 villagers in the province became infected with HIV as a consequence.

Because of the local government's involvement in this disastrous 
scheme, the entire incident was kept under wraps for years. Local 
media were banned from reporting it and activists who tried to 
publicise the tragedy were jailed.

But slowly information of the incident leaked out and the 
international and domestic uproar that followed has gone a long way 
in changing governmental attitudes. Thus in March 2003, China 
launched a programme to provide anti-retroviral drugs to all infected 
blood donors in Henan province. Condom advertisements, previously 
banned, made a debut on national television and radio. Government 
leaders began to be photographed visiting AIDS patients in hospitals and homes.

According to Hansen the Central government has shown an increasing 
commitment to fighting the disease over the last few years and 
efforts have stepped up, making use of the lessons learnt from the 
handling of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic of 
early 2003. At the time the Chinese authorities were shown to have 
deliberately under-reported infections, placing thousands of people 
at potential risk. But once the cover up was exposed the authorities 
moved swiftly; they sacked the Health Minister and ordered greater 
transparency in reporting infections across the board.

The SARS epidemic in fact served as a clarion call for raising 
awareness of infectious diseases in general, and the battle against 
AIDS benefited as a result. Today, over 20,000 patients with AIDS are 
receiving anti-retroviral drug treatment nationwide. From $12 million 
in 2001, the Central government budget for fighting AIDS rose to $100 
million at the end of 2005.

A national programme called the "four frees and one care" is 
currently being promulgated. It includes free medication for rural 
residents and those with financial difficulties in urban areas; free 
voluntary counselling and testing for all; free drugs for pregnant 
women; and free schooling for children orphaned by the disease.

"All the right policies are now in place. The problem as usual is in 
the implementation," said Hansen. "The localities often interpret the 
Centre's directives in their own way and many of those who should be 
getting anti-retrovirals for free don't," he added. Nationwide only 
about 25 per cent of those infected with HIV are in fact receiving 
appropriate medication and China had 25,000 AIDS-related deaths last year.

Yunnan's authorities , however, are doing much better than most other 
local governments. Despite being one of China's poorest provinces, 
all of Yunnan's 1,600 known AIDS patients are receiving free 
treatment. A one-year course of anti-retroviral medication costs 
anywhere between RMB4,000 and RMB6,000 ($500 and$750). The per capita 
income in Yunnan is roughly $900.

In 2005, the province spent a total of RMB250 million ($31 million) 
in fighting AIDS, around half of which came from the Central 
government, and the remaining portion came from the provincial and 
local authorities. Yunnan has established 284 voluntary counselling 
and testing sites and all hotels and entertainment centres in the 
region have been ordered to make condoms available on their premises.

A 200-bed, RMB139 million ($ 17.3 million) hospital especially for 
the treatment of AIDS is currently under construction in a town 30 km 
west of Kunming. Hundreds of health workers have been trained in 
administering anti-retroviral medication and police officers are 
given training to sensitise them to the special risks faced by drug-users.

The province has also established several needle-exchange centres, 
where intravenous drug users can bring in used needles and exchange 
them for new, sterilised ones. According to Zhang the province 
distributed 800,000 clean needles in 2005.

Over 50 methadone clinics, with a total of 3,500 registered patients, 
have been opened province-wide and mobile methadone vans that will 
visit addicts who are unable to travel at their homes are being planned.

At the Da Shu Ying Health Centre, Li Yu, its director, revealed that 
250 patients had registered since the centre opened a year ago. In 
addition to providing the addicts with controlled doses of methadone 
at highly subsidised prices (each patient pays only RMB10, or $ 1.25 
a day), the clinic also promotes AIDS awareness and provides 
counselling services.

Zhang, however, said none of these efforts was adequate. "We need 
more money, more international assistance, more medicines, more of 
everything," he said blandly.

Dr. Wang Yu, head of the new AIDS hospital that is coming up outside 
Kunming, agrees that the province faces several weighty challenges.

The biggest worry, she says, is that the AIDS epidemic is no longer 
confined to drug-users. While over 60 per cent of the province's HIV 
cases are still to be found among Yunnan's 70,000 known drug 
offenders, the percentage of drug addicts in the total number of 
HIV-positive cases is falling.

Currently some 30 per cent of those with HIV in the province 
contracted the virus sexually. "We can say that AIDS has already 
entered the mainstream of society in Yunnan," Wang concludes.

This is in fact a problem across China. Nationwide only 44.4 per cent 
of the total HIV cases comprise intravenous drug-users. While 10.7 
per cent are former commercial blood and plasma donors, almost 20 per 
cent comprise sex workers and their clients.

Moreover, as Grace Hafner, director of the China programme for 
Population Services International (PSI), a U.S.-based group that 
operates a counselling centre for drug users in Kunming, points out, 
the stigma faced by HIV-positive people remains huge. Stories abound 
of doctors in rural areas refusing to treat patients with AIDS. 
Shunned by family and friends they thus go underground rather than seek help.

Wang adds that locating and identifying people affected by HIV has in 
fact become more difficult following recent legislation intended to 
help those with the disease. Since all AIDS patients are now entitled 
to free medication in Yunnan province, patients have been required 
since 2004 to give their real names and addresses to health workers. 
This has however had the unintended effect of discouraging people to 
come forward for treatment. The stigma surrounding the disease 
prevents many from revealing their identity even if the alternative 
is certain death.

Finally, the conflicting priorities of law enforcers and health 
workers continue to complicate the fight against AIDS. Drugs are 
illegal in China and most police officers view drug-users as 
criminals to be cleared off the street and forcibly locked up in 
police-run detoxification centres. Those rounded up spend three to 
six months in boot-camp-like conditions but over 90 per cent of the 
inmates return to drugs once released. In order to qualify for 
treatment at a methadone centre a patient must have spent at least 
two spells in a detoxification centre, although the health bureau of 
Yunnan is trying to have this requirement rescinded.

While AIDS awareness sessions are supposed to be part of the regime 
at police detoxification centres, the main thrust is in fact on 
discipline and forcibly keeping users away from drugs. Zhou, a 
50-year-old addict who started using heroine in 1988 and recently 
joined a methadone clinic for treatment, has spent eight spells in 
police detoxification centres. He now spends most afternoons at a 
PSI-run drop-in clinic for addicts in Kunming in the company of 
others like him; drug-users who are trying desperately to quit.

"I knew nothing about the connection between AIDS and drug use until 
I came to PSI around a year ago. I have taken drugs for more than 20 
years and spent endless months in police centres but I still knew 
nothing until I attended some of the PSI awareness talks," he says.

Zhou lost his job as a taxi driver seven years ago and has been 
unemployed since. He is divorced and has not seen his son in several 
months. He smiles wearily: "I am lucky I didn't get sick. But not 
everyone is as lucky."
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman