Pubdate: Fri, 06 Oct 2006
Source: Cayman Net News (Cayman Islands)
Copyright: 2006 Cayman Net Ltd


Three Cayman Companies have dug deep to support the  Royal Cayman 
Islands Police Service's (RCIPS) DARE  Programme, (Drug Abuse 
Resistance Education) designed  to help youngsters understand the 
misuse of drugs.

Butterfield Bank, CUC and Kirk Freeport have each  donated $1000 to 
the scheme which is now approaching  its eighth year.

The DARE programme is currently operating in schools in  43 countries 
around the world with 36 million students  involved each year. The 
programme is administered by  Neighbourhood Policing Officers and 
centres on drug  education and prevention activities.

"Butterfield Bank is happy to get on board and help  bring this 
valuable tool to the schools of Cayman. The  program has seen 
world-wide success and we are sure it  is equally beneficial to the 
youth of our Islands,"  said Butterfield's Marketing Coordinator, Monique Bush.

Inspector Bodden, head of the Neighbourhood Policing  Department is 
delighted with the involvement of the  local Companies.

"DARE is a critical part of youngsters' development. It  goes beyond 
traditional drug abuse and violence  prevention programs by giving 
children the skills  needed to recognize and resist the subtle and 
overt  pressures that cause them to experiment with drugs or  become 
involved in gangs and violent activities," he  said.

'These donations are essential to the continuation of  the program 
and my heart-felt thanks are extended to  all three companies for 
their support."

Anyone wanting further information on the DARE program  or anyone 
wanting to lend support to the scheme should  contact Inspector 
Tricia Bodden on 949-4222.
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MAP posted-by: Elaine