Pubdate: Thu, 12 May 2005
Source: New Straits Times (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2005 NST Online
Bookmark: (Drug Testing)
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PUTRAJAYA, Wed. - Urine tests will be carried out regularly in all schools 
in another attempt to weed out drug addiction.

And parents have been urged not to be upset if their children are among 
those picked at random for the drug checks.

Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Noh Omar said today the move was 
necessary to curb drug addiction.

Speaking after closing a Biro Tatanegara motivational programme for schools 
in Putrajaya at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Dua here, he said 374 
students tested positive for drugs last year.

Sixty-five had been identified until March this year, he added.

Noh said many 13-year-olds were found to be drug addicts.

However, he said, the problem had not reached an alarming stage.

He said police and National Drug Agency officers would work with the State 
education authorities to conduct the drug tests.

"Parents should co-operate with the authorities by informing the latter if 
they suspect their child of being involved in such activities."

He said the authorities had to incur substantial costs in conducting urine 

"Three strips are used to determine whether a person is hooked on drugs and 
each strip costs RM2.50. So, for each person, we have to spend RM7.50."

He said there were 10 million students.

"The authorities cannot afford to conduct urine tests on each and every 
student as this will be very costly. So, they will just pick at random 
those believed to be involved. The school authorities will identify such 

Also present were Biro Tata Negara director-general Datuk Dr Nordin Kardi, 
Kuala Lumpur chief police officer Datuk Mustafa Abdullah and Putrajaya 
police chief Superintendent Mohd Khalil Kadir Mohd.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom