Pubdate: Wed, 04 May 2005
Source: Weymouth News (MA)
Copyright: 2005 Weymouth News
Author: Jim Bowen
Bookmark: (Heroin)


Yes its true heroin is back, and appears to be getting worse by the day. In 
the past 5 or 6 years or so, we have seen an influx of heroin in Weymouth. 
Largely because of the increase of pain killer abuse, with drugs like 
oxycontin, percocet, vicodin and other similar medications.

Persons who may have never in their wildest dreams thought they would ever 
use heroin or even consider using it are now addicted to this deadly drug. 
Plain and simple, heroin is cheaper. Oxycontin which is the most commonly 
abused pain medication, is highly addictive, and is expensive, at about 
$1.00 a milligram.

If a person takes a 40 milligram pill it costs them about $40. Heroin on 
the other hand is about $4 a bag. Some people get so addicted to oxycontin 
that they resort to crime to obtain the money to purchase it, or steal it.

Armed robberies, breaking and enterings, and other related crimes are on 
the rise due to the influx of addicted persons who sadly will do just about 
anything to get the drug. Pretty soon even the people who swore that no 
matter what, they would never resort to using heroin are now addicted to 
the drug because it is much easier to obtain and far cheaper to buy.

Average people both young and old who at one time may have legally been 
prescribed drugs like oxycontin for various reasons like back surgery etc. 
are now addicted to the drug. In many cases, they are not your typical 
profile of a drug abuser, but instead they could be your dads, moms, 
brothers, sisters, neighbors, or friends.

The problem is getting worse, and it is up to us all to do something about 
it. Overdoses and even deaths associated with these drugs are becoming more 
common in our community.

The first and foremost thing we must do as responsible citizens is to 
remove all old, no longer needed or unnecessary medications from your home 
to keep them from being available for your children to try. Next we must 
lock our prescribed, possibly addictive or dangerous medications away so 
they are not accessible to our kids. And lastly we need to explain to our 
kids how dangerous and addictive all medications can be if not prescribed 
and used properly.

We tend to forget that the medications in our own home can be a temptation 
for kids if left around, so lock up the ones you need, and throw out the 
ones you don't. The young people in Weymouth will tell you that oxycontin 
is getting real bad, and heroin is on the rise, it's up to us as adults to 
do what we can to keep it away from our kids. Doctors must strictly control 
who should get these medications and have a review every so often as to 
whether or not the person still needs the medication to keep it from 
falling into the wrong hands in the illegal market.

Lastly it is up to the manufacturers of these medications to do the right 
thing and develop forms of safe and non addictive drugs instead.

As I have always taught, prevention is the key. It's always better to be 
proactive than reactive. If you or someone you know has a problem with 
pills or heroin, seek medical help as soon as possible, it could save your 
life or the life of a loved one.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom