Pubdate: Fri, 25 Mar 2005
Source: Red Deer Advocate (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 Red Deer Advocate
Author: Irvine Hill


Re. March 22 letter from Sharon Congo, headlined Detox centre
opponents wins, while our community loses:

I wholly disagree with this lady's attitude. This lady is obviously in
grief over a loved one who has a drug addiction; however, she should
not expect everyone in Red Deer to necessarily sympathize with her
plight. And we citizens do have the right to voice our honest opinions
and object to any detox centre location that we feel may disrupt our
normal way of life as well as the well-being of our community.

She is correct in saying that no one wants a detox centre in their
backyard, and why should we? Drug addicts are not pillars of our
communities. They steal from us, attack us, break in to our homes and
vehicles, and worst of all - sell drugs to our young people to feed
their own habit. No, we don't want them in our backyard!

No, the drug problem is not going away, and yes it is growing. But
let's have a look at the probable cause of the whole problem. In my
opinion, the burden goes right back to the parents. Have a real good
honest look at how you raised your children. I said be honest.

Did you do everything possible to ensure your children had parents at
home when needed? Were they from a family where both parents worked
and they were raised by a babysitter?

Did you make every effort to spend time with your children and take
them camping, fishing, hunting, etc.?

Did you get them involved in sports such as hockey, soccer, baseball,

Did you always know where your teenagers were at all times and what
they were doing, or did you just take their word for it?

You know, if you have your kids involved and you get involved with
them they will not have time to get in to the drug scene. They will be
too busy.

The people who should get serious about helping their addicted loved
ones are the ones who raised them. Don't let them be a burden on
society and expect the taxpayers to take the burden.

I think a detox centre is just another means for addicts to get
something for nothing again as they always try to do.

An RCMP friend, who had served 20 years on the drug squad, once told
me that in all his experience with drug addicts, he never once saw an
addict kick the habit for good. Does that tell you anything?

Let's raise our potential addicts properly. Then the problem will
rectify itself.

Irvine Hill

Red Deer
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin