Pubdate: Wed, 02 Mar 2005
Source: Daily Press, The (CN ON)
Copyright: 2005 Daily Press (CN ON)
Author: Heather Spadafore
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Teen Substance Abuse Will Be The Topic Of Discussion During The Pamela 
Fralick Forum In March.

The forum, coming to Timmins March 23, is geared toward parents and service 
providers and hopes to share knowledge of how to prevent or intervene when 
it comes to substance use amongst adolescents.

The event, sponsored by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), 
is being held in partnership with the Porcupine Health Unit and South 
Cochrane Addictions Services.

"We're expecting about 100 people," Timmins' CAMH project consultant Sylvie 
Guenther said.

"We'll be offering advice, information, and will be answering questions."

The Pamela Fralick forum is an annual event that travels to a different 
city each year, Guenther said.

"We put in a request to have it in Timmins," she said. "It's important to 
have the information in the North because substance abuse is an issue."

Though it wasn't specifically planned following the drug deaths of two 
local teens last year, Guenther said the forum just happened to tie in to 
the event.

Porcupine Health Unit Community health nurse Alison Dubien said the forum 
is a follow-up to the Debbie Gillies drug seminars that took place in 
schools throughout the area late last fall.

Parents and service providers will hear from speakers David Wolfe, RBC 
Investments chair in Children's Mental Health and Developmental 

He is the director of the Centre for Prevention Science CAMH.

Also speaking will be Yvonne McClinchey from the South Cochrane Addiction 
Services Timmins, as well as Guenther.

There will also be a 45-minute question period following the presentations, 
and Guenther hopes participants will get involved.

"We're hoping it'll generate lively discussion," she said.

Information has already been circulating through local newspapers, schools 
and community calendars.

"We want everyone to know about it," Guenther said.

Booths will also be set up during the evening by local service providers, 
such as Child and Family Services, Community Policing, Timmins branch of 
Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the Porcupine Health Unit.

"We have eight or nine booths booked," Dubien said.

"I'm hoping people will gain practical advice on how to talk with teens 
about substance use, and how to work with them," Guenther said.

The forum will be held at the Days Inn from 6:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. 
Registration is free.

For more information, call the Porcupine Health Unit at 267-1181 ext. 367.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom