Pubdate: Tue, 01 Mar 2005
Source: North Texas Daily (U of North TX Edu)
Copyright: 2005 North Texas Daily
Author: Tara Nieuwesteeg
Note: See 26 of Christopher Largen's Letters at
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


The issue of legalizing marijuana incites the interest of some college 
students, but not many can say they have written a book about it.

Christopher Largen, Fort Worth senior, can say just that. He is an advocate 
for the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, but, he says, he is 
a writer first and foremost.

Largen discovered writing at a young age, getting his start by writing 
letters to editors of various publications. His articles have been in 
several publications, including Cannabis Culture and The Village Voice.

Largen's first book, "Prescription Pot: A Leading Advocate's Heroic Battle 
to Legalize Medical Marijuana," was published in 2003.

"Prescription Pot" is Largen's collaboration with George McMahon, who 
suffers from a rare genetic condition called Nail Patella Syndrome.

Because of this, McMahon legally receives 300 marijuana cigarettes per 
month from the federal government. And although his suffering is eased by 
marijuana, thousands of patients are denied access to it, a fact both 
Largen and McMahon are passionate about changing.

"Prescription Pot" is an account of McMahon's personal journey told by Largen.

"I liked the way [Largen] wrote, so we put it down," McMahon said. 
"Marijuana is medicine and is really a big help in a lot of patients' lives."

Largen's second book, "JUNK," will be released in August. "JUNK" is a 
satiric story set in a world where the government declares war on junk food.

"JUNK" is in the process of being converted into a screenplay, as Largen is 
actively working towards the production of "JUNK" as an independent, 
Denton-based film.

Largen's next book, co-authored with Earlene Williams of Parent Watch, 
Inc., tackles a different topic: the recruitment of young people for 
magazine sales.

This book will use facts and anecdotes to reveal what these young people 
face: 12 hour work days, mind control, drugs and prostitution.

Largen is also an activist who has helped protest the Ku Klux Klan, as well 
as peace demonstrations and has spent several years helping disabled 
people. He remains committed to freedom and nonviolent reform.

"I don't want to fight my enemy," he said. "I want to change my enemy."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom