Pubdate: Sun, 06 Feb 2005
Source: Scotland On Sunday (UK)
Copyright: 2005 The Scotsman Publications Ltd.
Author: Peter Martell


THE queues would wind themselves along the pavement, from Justrite
clothes shop on the high street all the way down to the caravan site
by Fraserburgh bay. If it were to stretch any further they'd be
rolling up their trousers and paddling in the icy North Sea. And they
would, you know; the locals would be falling over themselves to bag
their place in line for the ultimate in druggie design. "Roll up, Roll
up", the P&J seller would be yelling from outside Morning, Noon &
Night. "New stock, jist arrived - Heroin Chic, it's the spik o' the
Broch." What, since becoming a lowlander, I now refer to as the talk
of the town.

Heroin is back in fashion - the people who are in fashion are telling
us so and who are we to doubt them? Just as long as we don't mention
anyone with real lives and real problems, it'll all be okay. Don't go
bothering them with your tales of torn communities, ruined lives and
wasted opportunities. It's just sooo unsexy. Your opinion and
lifestyle choices apparently mean nothing these days unless they march
uniformly under the niche, heroin chic-friendly banner currently being
waved by every Pete, Kate and Harry within a sniff of Soho Square.

In case your week has been spent leading a life of God-fearing
Presbyterian righteousness, you really should know that the tabloids
have been hanging on the words of heroin's latest front of house,
ex-Libertines singer Pete Doherty, like hungry chicks in a nest.
Worryingly last week, researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University
were in danger of fanning the flames. Having surveyed 126 long-term
heroin users, their conclusion suggested that heroin could be taken
without wrecking one's life.

Doherty has, from the outset of his fame all of three years ago,
perpetuated the notion that a place in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame
is only guaranteed when visually aided by the gaunt-faced, sweaty,
ramshackle look of drug addiction. He can't get enough of the stuff,
and neither apparently can we of his access-all-areas habit.

In the space of one week alone, Doherty has reportedly been at death's
door, returned to rehab, proposed marriage to Kate Moss, been planning
a new life in St Petersburg and managed to get himself arrested for
blackmail and robbery. Phew! You can see why he needs the drugs, can't

It's hard work being heroin's poster boy. At least Lou Reed and Kurt
Cobain chose to use their talent to build a career. The rockers just
happened to be heroin addicts too.

It is a shame that Doherty hasn't studied his forefathers more closely
as he is evidently not as well equipped for the fame game as they.
Without the heroin addiction, he's a nobody, or at least nobody
interesting enough to get such acreage of press, and that appears to
be his aim.

If the lad is as narcissistic as he appears to be, then among the
columns of well-orchestrated self publicity he will be studying in his
white cell this weekend, he might stumble across the accompanying news
that the new head of Scotland Yard is on a mission to crack down on
weekend cocaine consumers.

Now, heroin and cocaine are very different drugs. Cocaine has become
the preserve of the middle-classes who like to party and hold down a
hectic lifestyle. That doesn't make it okay, just not quite as
resolute as heroin in its ability to fast-track it's followers
straight on to the mortuary slab.

Cocaine users would make up a large part of the circles in which
Doherty mingles. It is not automatic that they become heroin users,
but if their main source of fun is about to be clamped, it surely
won't be long before they too realise how thoroughly unentertaining
the man is.

If he is left in any doubt about what he has done, rather than jump on
the first flight to Russia when he re-enters the real world, Doherty
should save himself a few hundred quid and catch a lift to
Fraserburgh. I'm sure he would have a grand old time revelling in the
glory of those who know his plight. Those that aren't laid out behind
the closed doors of the local pub, unable to afford a comfortable
week's rehab. The ones who aren't cowering from the memories of
samurai sword attacks taking place in broad daylight on the town's
streets over drug vendettas a few years back. If there is someone not
too busy keeping their head down and trying to rebuild a community
which has been ravaged by heroin and its smothering by-products of
crime and poverty for more than a decade, then I'm sure they could
think of nothing they'd rather spend their afternoon doing.

"Och, come away in Pete. Would you like a cuppa? Now, sit yourself
down and tell us all about your struggles. Because we just can't seem
to turn our problems into quite the career opportunity you have." 
- ---
MAP posted-by: SHeath(DPFFLorida)