Pubdate: Fri, 30 Dec 2005
Source: Press-Enterprise (CA)
Copyright: 2005 The Press-Enterprise Company
Author: Kimberly Trone, The Press-Enterprise
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Chronic Pain)
Bookmark: (Drug Testing)


Decision: The State Supreme Court Agrees to Decide Limits for Workers 
and Employers.

Donna Dixon found out the hard way that a state law allowing her to 
use marijuana for glaucoma didn't keep her from getting fired from a 
casino job after a positive drug test.

In 1996, California voters passed the Compassion Use Act that allowed 
the cultivation, transportation and use of marijuana by patients and 
caregivers with a doctor's recommendation.

It did not, however, include job protection, said Michael Shapiro of 
the University of Southern California School of Law, an expert in 
constitutional issues.

The California Supreme Court this month agreed to hear the case of 
Ross v. Ragingwire Telecommunications to decide whether employers can 
fire employees for off-duty use of marijuana in accordance with state laws.

The justices have not set a date to hear the case.

Workers who have been fired or disciplined for using medicinal 
marijuana have filed numerous complaints with the state, claiming 
their employers violated California labor law, which prohibits people 
from being punished for performing a legal act while off duty, said 
Dean Fryer, spokesman for the California Department of Industrial Relations.

But the state is not processing their complaints.

"We are not accepting any claims for discrimination regarding the use 
of medical marijuana because federal law makes it illegal and 
therefore it is not lawful off-duty conduct," Fryer said, adding that 
the California labor code does not distinguish between state and federal law.

Clarity Sought

Dixon, the mother of two teenage boys, was fired earlier this year 
for testing positive for marijuana during a random drug test. She 
worked in the Pechanga Resort & Casino for almost three years, first 
as a housekeeper and later counting money.

Pechanga representatives did not respond to requests for an 
interview, but an arbitration agreement between Dixon and the tribe 
said Pechanga employees are subject to discharge in the event of a 
positive drug test.

Dixon, 50, said she is optimistic the California justices will decide 
in favor of medicinal users, who use the drug to treat symptoms of 
chronic or debilitating illnesses such as migraines and cancer.

"I want clarity. There are a lot of people who want clarity on this," 
Dixon said from her Lake Elsinore-area home.

Court Ruling

Some employers say the issue was clarified when the U.S. Supreme 
Court ruled in June that state laws do not protect 
medicinal-marijuana users from federal laws that make such behavior criminal.

Jim Richardson, regional director of the California Association of 
Employers, said companies were concerned about how to handle 
employees' medical-marijuana use until that decision.

The not-for-profit employers association of 500 members assists 
small-to-medium companies with human-resources issues. "Our 
association is now able to give (our members) assurance they do not 
have to balance a duty to accommodate an applicant or employee whose 
drug use impairs their performance and poses a potential liability 
should an accident occur," Richardson said.

He said, however, that employers could consider accommodating an 
employee or job applicant if there are no safety issues that are 
involved in their work.

Those accommodations could also include steering the user toward a 
prescription drug such as Marinol, although medical-marijuana 
advocates argue the synthetic pharmaceutical is not nearly as effective.

Under a mandate from the state, Riverside County began issuing 
identification cards for medicinal medical users on Dec. 1. The card 
alerts police that the holder has the appropriate documentation to 
use and transport marijuana.

Riverside County, which has about 17,000 employees, is closely 
monitoring the court cases, said the county's director of human 
resources, Ron Komers.

And even though the county is issuing the cards, job applicants and 
employees of Riverside County are disqualified from employment for 
using marijuana -- even if they use the substance with the 
recommendation of a physician, Komers said.

"We are an interesting situation," Komers said. "Because we do 
receive federal funds we are subject to federal transportation 
guidelines to fire or discipline somebody who utilizes an illegal substance."

Conflicting Laws

Advocates for medicinal marijuana say it is a mistake to confuse 
federal criminal laws with state employment laws when marijuana is 
legitimately being used to treat a person's disability.

"No person should lose their job solely because they use medical 
marijuana," said Nikos Leverenz, associate director of the Drug 
Policy Alliance in Sacramento, which supports medical-marijuana use. 
The alliance urged the state Supreme Court to hear the case of Gary 
Ross, a computer systems administrator who was terminated after 
testing positive for marijuana.

He said he used the drug at home to alleviate chronic back pain. 
"Workers and job applicants with disabilities may be compelled to 
choose between employment opportunity and medical treatment," the 
alliance argued in a 12-page letter filed with the court.

Bruce Mirken, director of communications for the Marijuana Policy 
Project, said advocates are not suggesting employers don't have a 
right to be concerned about productivity, safety and workplace performance.

"Obviously they do," Mirken said, adding that many employers may not 
have revised their decades-old drug-use policies in light of new laws 
allowing medical-marijuana use.

Dixon said she told her employer about her use of marijuana from the 
day she was hired until she was fired from the $12.40-an-hour job at Pechanga.

"I had a good work record, good write-ups. I was in no danger of 
being fired, but after that (drug test) it was like I had the 
plague," Dixon said. "They took a person who worked every day -- a 
law-abiding person -- and turned me into a welfare case by taking away my job."

Dixon appealed a Pechanga denial of unemployment benefits and prevailed.

The arbitrator, Stephen B. Chan, agreed that Dixon was candid about 
her marijuana use and concluded she was "discharged for reasons other 
than misconduct."

Since being fired, Dixon believes she was disqualified from two solid 
job prospects, one for a large supermarket chain and the other for a 
large soda pop company, after mentioning her use of medical marijuana 
during job interviews.

"It is about principles," she said. "The people of this state said it 
is OK for me to use marijuana as long as me and my doctor agree. I am 
exercising my legal rights. Why should I lie?"

Safety Concerns

Critics say pre-employment and random drug tests are an invasion of 
privacy, performed almost solely to weed out marijuana users, even 
though alcohol use poses more of a workplace hazard.

All a urine drug test tells you is that an individual has used a drug 
within the past six weeks and one of the drug residuals that remains 
in a person's system longest is marijuana, said Dr. David Bearman, a 
Santa Barbara physician helping to lead a national campaign to 
legitimize marijuana for medicinal uses.

"The most significant drug of abuse is alcohol and alcohol is cleared 
relatively rapidly from the urine. This test cannot tell you about 
the drug most likely to interfere with an employee's job 
performance," Bearman contends.

Richardson of the employers association said drug testing is an 
important safety tool and the courts have upheld its use.

"Drug testing provides employers a means of deterring people who use 
illegal substances from entering the workplace and removing employees 
who may pose a danger to themselves and/or others," Richardson said.




California Compassionate Use Act: Allows patients and primary 
caregivers to cultivate, transport and use marijuana for medical 
conditions with a doctor's recommendation.


SB 420: Permits medical-marijuana use to treat symptoms of AIDS, 
anorexia, cancer, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraines, seizures, severe 
nausea and other illnesses. The law requires the state to maintain a 
voluntary identification card program. Allows possession of no more 
than 8 ounces of dried marijuana.


U.S. Supreme Court rules that patients in states with 
compassionate-use laws may still face criminal prosecution for 
transporting and using marijuana. California Attorney General Bill 
Lockyer said the ruling does not overturn California law.

Riverside County begins issuing medical-marijuana identification 
cards. San Bernardino County is expected to begin the 
identification-card program in January.


California Supreme Court is expected to decide whether employees can 
be fired for off-duty use of medicinal marijuana. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake