Pubdate: Mon, 12 Dec 2005
Source: Providence Journal, The (RI)
Copyright: 2005 The Providence Journal Company
Author: Katherine Gregg and Scott Mayerowitz, Journal State House Bureau
Cited: Marijuana Policy Project
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


The Marijuana Policy Project is stepping up its efforts to get the 
General Assembly to enact a law allowing the use of marijuana to ease 
the pain of people with serious illnesses.

The General Assembly passed such a measure this past session, but it 
was vetoed by Governor Carcieri . The Senate voted to override 
Carcieri's veto in June, but the House never dealt with the issue.

Today, the Marijuana Policy Project will unveil a billboard at the 
corner of Orms and State street in Providence, urging the House to 
override the veto.

The billboard will read: "Protect medical marijuana patients . . 
.Don't leave us out in the cold . . . Override the governor's veto."

The advertisement will be up for a month, according to Bruce Mirken, 
director of communications for the Marijuana Policy Project, which is 
working with the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition on the billboard.

Rep. Thomas C. Slater, D-Providence, who sponsored the House 
legislation, said last week, "I have been assured by the leadership 
that it will be overridden before the start of the session."

House Speaker William J. Murphy , D-West Warwick, was not as 
definitive, saying through his spokesman, "The leadership is 
committed to making all efforts to pass Representative Slater's legislation." 
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