Pubdate: Mon, 10 Oct 2005
Source: Providence Journal, The (RI)
Copyright: 2005 The Providence Journal Company
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We have many misgivings about the so-called war on drugs. But as long 
as it is being prosecuted, it should not hurt the drug-taking poor 
more than the drug-taking rich. Almost every statistic on the subject 
says that this is the case.

One of the most sordid examples of the unequal treatment is the law 
that withdraws federal financial aid from students with drug 
convictions. Because such aid goes mainly to low-income students, the 
law hits them far harder than their well-to-do classmates. Aid has so 
far been pulled from 175,000 students, no doubt ending a college 
education for many people who needed it.

If Congress truly wanted to punish students for drug use, it would 
write a law that expels all those with a conviction, poor and rich. 
But the current law -- the drug provision in the Higher Education Act 
- -- lets any drug-taking student whose parents can write a big enough 
check stay in college. Thus, a dormitory drug raid can ruin the lives 
of kids with financial aid while leaving their rich partners-in-crime 
untouched. And bear in mind, people who can afford good lawyers are 
less likely to be convicted of drug charges in the first place.

The Higher Education Act is now being reauthorized. Proposals to 
lighten the drug provision are on the table. But even with a reduced 
penalty, the double standard is repellent. It disappoints us that 
Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed, a member of the committee that marked up 
the Senate bill, did not respond to pleas (by, among others, 
University of Rhode Island President Robert Carothers and Brown 
University President Ruth Simmons) to try to kill the drug provision.

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank has proposed a stand-alone 
bill that would repeal the law. It has 70 House co-sponsors, but 
Rhode Island's James Langevin and Patrick Kennedy are not among them. 
(Ironically, Mr. Kennedy made news as a teenager for having received 
treatment for cocaine use; he was not, of course, denied a college 
education because of it.)

Perhaps Rhode Island's Sen. Lincoln Chafee, who admitted to cocaine 
use while a student at Brown, would like to step forward and denounce 
drug penalties that single out lower-income students.

Any courage out there?
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MAP posted-by: Elizabeth Wehrman