Pubdate: Mon, 03 Oct 2005
Source: Christian Science Monitor (US)
Copyright: 2005 The Christian Science Publishing Society
Author: Brad Knickerbocker, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)
Bookmark: (Walters, John)


Lawmakers in Both Parties See Bush Strategy As Lagging Localities' 
Attack on the Drug.

Feeling pressure from their grass roots, lawmakers in Congress are 
pushing the Bush administration to do more about the nation's 
fastest-growing drug problem: methamphetamine.

Legislation already on the fast track focuses on punishment for meth 
makers and dealers, ways to stem the flow of the drug into the United 
States from Mexico and other countries, and stricter controls on cold 
remedies and other medicines containing chemicals used to make meth.

Meanwhile, Republicans and Democrats alike are outspoken about what 
they see as the administration's slow response.

"I don't believe the White House Office of National Drug Control 
Policy has gotten the message that a more comprehensive, coordinated 
effort is needed," says Rep. Mark Souder (R) of Indiana, chairman of 
the House drug policy subcommittee. That's one of Mr. Souder's 
gentler criticisms. He has also suggested that White House "drug 
czar" John Walters might have to step down, and he called "laughable" 
some of the White House data on meth labs and users.

Among other things, lawmakers criticize the administration's decision 
to end the $804 million Justice Assistance Program, which funds 
regional drug task forces. "We want a federal ... strategy to attack 
meth that is equal to the urgency and action that's taking place in 
so many communities around the United States," says Rep. Rick Larsen 
(D) of Washington, co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus to 
Fight and Control Methamphetamine. "Congress is not convinced that 
that is happening."

Law-enforcement agencies have shut down small meth labs nationwide. 
But the number of busted labs - 9,797 seized last year by the US Drug 
Enforcement Administration (DEA) compared with 162 in 1995 - also 
indicates that the problem is growing. Moreover, the US crackdown is 
being undermined, officials say, by Mexican "super labs" able to 
produce at least 10 pounds of meth in 24 hours. Two-thirds of the 
meth used in the US today comes from Mexico.

A recent report by The Oregonian newspaper in Portland found that 
Mexico has been importing far more of the precursor chemicals used to 
make meth than would reasonably be used to manufacture medicines. 
Through theft or corruption, much of those chemicals end up in 
cartel-run meth labs. On the street, the purity of the drug is 
increasing, law-enforcement officials report.

The problem isn't just Mexico. China, the Czech Republic, Germany, 
Hong Kong, India, Switzerland, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates 
produce large amounts of the chemicals - mainly ephedrine and 
pseudoephedrine - used to make meth, according to the DEA national 
drug threat assessment for 2005. The chemicals then are shipped to Mexico.

Mexican meth production and meth smuggling from Mexico (largely 
through Arizona) "have increased sharply" in the past few years, the 
DEA reports.

Federal officials estimate there are 1.3 million regular meth users 
in the US today. Although more individuals abuse marijuana, heroin, 
and cocaine, high-grade meth can produce reactions that are more 
violent and effects that are more physiologically damaging, officials 
say. Says Souder: Meth "has severe addiction consequences that we are 
still working through, the small labs have incredible environmental 
impacts, the labs tie up local drug-enforcement teams all out of 
proportion to the number of addicts, the related violence is greater, 
children are more in danger because of exploding labs and the abuse 
or serious neglect of parents, and it is an accelerating threat."

A survey of 500 law-enforcement agencies by the National Association 
of Counties finds that 87 percent have seen a jump in meth-related 
arrests in the past three years. Most county sheriffs say meth is now 
their main drug problem, linked to increases in robberies, domestic 
violence, assaults, identity thefts, and child neglect. 
"Investigating and busting small toxic labs, incarcerating and 
adjudicating meth users, and cleaning up former meth labs are searing 
a hole in county budgets," Valerie Brown, a county superviser from 
Sonoma County, Calif., said at a House hearing in July. "County 
correction facilities are being overwhelmed by the increase in the 
number of meth-related crimes and associated incarceration costs 
including mental-health treatment, dental, and other treatment costs."

Many states now restrict the sale of over-the-counter medicines 
containing pseudoephedrine. This can include limits on how much 
someone can buy in a month and requirements that purchasers show 
photo identification.

Businesses are responding, too. Pfizer, Rite-Aid, McNeil, and Target 
are among the companies that have voluntarily restricted sales of 
cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine. The online auction company 
eBay last week banned sales of the key chemicals used to make meth.

The Senate has passed an appropriations bill that would move cold 
medicines containing pseudoephedrine behind pharmacy counters and 
limit how much a person can buy to 7.5 grams a month.

In the House, the Methamphetamine Epidemic Elimination Act - 
sponsored by Rep. Roy Blunt, the new majority leader - would toughen 
criminal penalties for meth kingpins and manufacturers, prohibit 
unlimited sales of meth precursor chemicals, set import and 
manufacturing quotas on such chemicals, amend the international 
drug-certification process to require federal reporting on major 
exporting and importing countries of precursor chemicals, and order 
the State Department to work more closely with Mexico to crack down 
on producers and traffickers.

Administration officials defend their meth-fighting record. One 
August operation - dubbed Operation Wildfire - netted 56 clandestine 
labs, 209 pounds of meth, 201,035 pseudoephedrine tablets, and 158 
kilograms of pseudoephedrine powder. More than 400 people were arrested.

"The Department of Justice is committed to using every available 
resource to ensure that our streets and neighborhoods are safe and 
that the methamphetamine problem is brought to an end," said Attorney 
General Alberto Gonzales.

Some lawmakers remain skeptical. "We're concerned that the 
administration still doesn't get what we understand within our 
communities," says Representative Larsen. "Frankly, local communities 
have done as much as they can, and now they need federal help."
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