Pubdate: Mon, 12 Sep 2005
Source: Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Copyright: The Jakarta Post
Author: Simon Pitchfourth


The Muslim holy month of Ramadhan will soon be upon us. This year,
however, Jakarta's nightlife has already gone into premature
semi-hibernation. Recent police sweeps against nightclubs and bars and
their accompanying vice, gambling and drug trades have had an
unprecedented impact on the city's normally easy-going nightlife.

The new kicking out time is 2 a.m. and thousands of bar staff and club
workers are apparently on the verge of being laid off.

Are nightclubs and bars the front line in a strange, new war?
Five-star hotel clubs such as Tiga Puluh and CJs now require entry
through some kind of demilitarized zone due to the continued threat of
terrorism. Meanwhile, drive up to a club like Stadium these days and
you run the risk of a police raid and a urine test in a mobile
laboratory. What's going on? Has going out at night really become such
an ideological and moral battleground? Or is it simply an easy
political stick to beat, one that distracts the masses from the
ceaseless graft and the rupiah's inexorable slide toilet-wards?

The jury's still out. One thing is for sure though; the war on drugs
has certainly been ratcheted up a few notches around town of late.
Narkoba has now been conceived as a giant Satanic beast that bestrides
Jakarta after dark and alas such demonization precludes any rational
debate about the issues.

Maybe it's the police's perennially greasy palms that are determining
events here. Possibly though, the whole crackdown points to a broader
struggle currently underway here between the forces of religious
conservatism; those who would criminalize public kissing, and those of
a more pluralistic, liberal bent. Indonesians are generally more
ascetic in their culture in comparison with hedonistic Westerners and
their alcoholic social rituals.

If they are Muslim, of course, they are expected to be teetotalers. On
the other hand, Indonesians are actively encouraged to kill themselves
before the age of 60 by smoking pack after pack of head swimmingly
strong kretek cigarettes. All societies have their acceptable drugs.

Perhaps, ideally, the often-victimless crime of drug-use -- as
marijuana use in the West is described by those who wish the drug to
be legalized -- should be a matter of personal choice and
responsibility. Personal responsibility, though, is a concept that a
Western country such as America, with its litigious,
blame-everyone-except-yourself culture, is as helplessly adrift from
as Indonesia, with its conformist social mores, is. Certainly the
whole area of drug laws is full of absurdities. The maverick American
psychiatrist and advocate of drug legalization, Thomas Szasz, has
noted that, "If you drink and drive, you can be jailed. But on the
other hand, you can take a prescribed drug like Halcion, murder
someone, and get acquitted.

You can carry a loaded gun, but not a loaded syringe." The good doctor
continues, "It's almost as if we want to be punished in this way,
deprived of our rights and turned into adult children.

Or take the smoking debate.

People forget the issue of private property.

If I own a restaurant and wish to have people smoking in it, it's my
own affair.

No one has to come there." Thought-provoking stuff although sadly, I
guess, the human species as a whole has a few more evolutionary rungs
to climb before it can get to grips with these issues, let's just wait
and see what happens when Jakarta tries to ban smoking in public
places for example.

In addition to the city's war on drugs, which seemed to have taken a
serious cease-fire at Stadium last weekend, many foreign girls
involved in the vice industry have been rounded up and deported.

Fair enough perhaps but what about the local ladies of the

That's OK then is it? Kick the Russian girls out the move your own
girls in?

Perhaps all this complaining is just a touch hypocritical of me
though. After all, if I was at home now in the UK I could only dream
of being able to stay out clubbing until 4 a.m. Pubs in Britain close
at 11 p.m. and even then its domestic violence, assaults on the street
and front gardens covered in vomit galore.

The UK is apparently in the midst of a binge-drinking epidemic and
your average Brit supposedly swallowed the equivalent of 9.4 liters of
pure ethanol last year. At least you don't have to fight your way to
the bar in Jakarta, except at CJs on a Saturday night, and that's
mainly down to the good old bules again.

People need to unwind after a hard day at work, however, and let's
hope that the forces of law and order give Jakarta's happy night
prowlers a break in the not too distant future. I'm sure it will all
be back to business as usual before too long.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin