Pubdate: Mon, 17 Jan 2005
Source: Isle of Wight County Press (UK)
Copyright: 2005 Isle of Wight County Press


DRUG dealers across the Island are being targeted by police as part of a 
national operation to disrupt the supply of class-A drugs.

As part of its Safer Streets campaign, Hampshire Constabulary will carry 
out warrants across the two counties in a concentrated three-month effort 
to seize drugs and bring dealers to justice.

As part of the Home Office-led Operation Crackdown, police will also be 
applying for court orders so premises where people deal and use class-A 
drugs can be closed down.

Ch Supt Matthew Greening said drugs could blight communities because 
addicts were so often involved in other crime.

"The operation will not only disrupt the supply of drugs but should also 
help to reduce burglary, street robbery, prostitution and violent crime," 
he said.

"We are always working to disrupt the supply of drugs. Through Crackdown 
we're not just aiming to arrest drug dealers, we also want to work with 
communities to make a real difference to the quality of life for people 
living in areas badly affected by drugs."

As part of the campaign, leaflets will be posted through letterboxes in 
areas where crack houses are closed down and where dealers are active, to 
encourage people to come forward with information.

"We are determined to target dealers but we can't do it alone," said Chief 
Supt Greening. "To do our job properly, we need information. We're 
appealing to everyone to take responsibility for the wellbeing of their 
community and inform us if they suspect someone of dealing drugs."
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MAP posted-by: Beth