Pubdate: Wed, 05 Jan 2005
Source: AlterNet (US Web)
Copyright: 2005 Independent Media Institute
Author: Maia Szalavitz
Referenced: Instant Detox
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Wired Magazine joins a long list of major media organizations   from 
"20/20" to "48 Hours" to the Orlando Sentinel  to be drawn in by the 
unproven promises of "rapid opioid detox." While the magazine did note that 
there are serious concerns about proponents' claims to withdraw heroin and 
other prescription opioid addicts safely and more effectively than other 
methods, it missed the fact that rapid detox promoters can't even prove 
their main contention: better relief of withdrawal pain.

Instead, Wired called rapid detox "a useful treatment that can seem like a 
miracle cure," saying, "for addicts who cannot make it through withdrawal 
any other way, the $15,000 procedure may be their only hope." It quoted an 
addiction doctor who "claims [that rapid detox] is one of the most 
innovative developments in the field since the advent of the 12 step 
program in the 1930s."

Rapid detox proponents say that they can put an opioid addict to sleep with 
anesthesia, pump him full of opioid-blocking drugs, and when he awakes, he 
will suffer no withdrawal symptoms.

But Wired should have been far more skeptical about this notion, given the 
inflated claims it documented the programs making in other areas. For one, 
though promoters claim a 65 percent recovery rate after one year (compared 
to 30-40 percent for other treatments), controlled research doesn't support 
this. The largest NIDA-funded study found that after three months, those 
who underwent rapid detox were clean in no greater numbers than those who 
kicked by other methods.

Claims of safety are also problematic: ordinary detox methods kill no one 
(withdrawal from opioids itself, while unpleasant, is not deadly) but about 
a dozen deaths are known to be associated with complications from this 
procedure. As the Wired article notes, seven of these were caused by one 
New Jersey doctor   still practicing!   alone. While these deaths appear to 
be related to lack of proper monitoring of patients under anesthesia and 
immediately following it (the known deaths followed outpatient, not 
hospital-based, treatment), there's another risk associated with the 
procedure that Wired failed to even mention.

Rapid detox involves giving large doses of opioid-blocking drugs, including 
a follow-up prescription for one called naltrexone to be taken for several 
months afterwards. This will prevent any new use of opioids from producing 
a high   and is supposed to reduce craving.

But Australian researchers have found increased overdose death rates 
amongst heroin addicts who ended naltrexone treatment, compared to those 
who quit treatment with methadone or buprenorphine. Naltrexone drug reduces 
patients' tolerances for opioids, so that when they stop taking it, they 
are at far greater risk of death from doses they used to take without 
problem if they relapse.

In the Australian study of over 1,200 patients, the overdose rate was eight 
times higher amongst former naltrexone patients, compared to former 
methadone or buprenorphine patients. The Wired article didn't include this 

The magazine did note, however, that many rapid detox programs simply 
provide the detox, a few follow-up phone calls and a naltrexone 
prescription: exactly the situation in which such overdoses are likely to 
go unprevented and undetected.

In terms of comfort, rapid detox proponents claim that because 
opioid-blockers are administered in high doses while the patient is 
sedated, the withdrawal period is shortened because the receptors are 
stripped of opioids, then blocked.

However, there is little evidence to support the idea that simply stripping 
and blocking these receptors makes the brain return to normal faster. And 
there are many rapid detox patients who claim that after waking from 
anesthesia, they actually suffered more intense and difficult withdrawal 
periods than they had when they used other detox methods. Without 
controlled research, it's impossible to know if comfort or extra pain is 
more common   and for whom.

Some rapid detox programs implant naltrexone under the skin to ensure that 
addicts won't skip doses   but some addicts find this so unpleasant that 
they've literally cut the implants out themselves rather than continue the 
treatment. Naltrexone can also cause extreme anxiety in certain patients.

While studies find naltrexone to be well-tolerated and effective for 
treating alcohol problems, it seems far less helpful to opioid addicts. A 
2002 study, for example, found that only 19 percent of heroin addicts 
completed a six-month course of naltrexone treatment, which had been 
especially designed to encourage them to take the medicine faithfully. This 
does not suggest that most opioid addicts find the drug helpful   nor that 
a procedure involving taking it orally with no support would be 
particularly effective.

Without further research, and as presently conducted, the media should not 
be using words like "miracle" in association with rapid detox. If it could 
be proven more comfortable for addicts   even if it had added safety risks 
and no added advantage in efficacy   that would be a reason to offer it. It 
could draw people in then, people who might otherwise die on the street. 
But if the programs can't even prove they are more comfortable than other 
detoxes, why add the risks and the high cost?

Sadly, I have to close this article with the same cautionary quote I used 
when I wrote about rapid detox for Newsday in 1996   because research still 
hasn't answered the key questions and the media still doesn't get that 
claims about extra comfort are as suspect as other claims made for the 

Herbert Kleber, director of the division of substance abuse at Columbia 
University School of Medicine, is also a former deputy drug czar. It was 
his work that showed that rapid detox didn't actually improve long-term 
outcomes. He wrote this back in 1982, and just like in 1996, it's just as 
true today:

The history of the treatment of narcotic withdrawal is a long and 
dishonorable one. The trail is strewn with cures enthusiastically received 
and then quietly discarded when they turned out to be relatively 
ineffective or even worse, productive of greater morbidity and mortality 
.. Any claim for a new method should be put forward modestly and viewed 
with skepticism until amply documented by careful experimental procedures.

We're still waiting for the rapid detox data, and Wired should have known 
that if a program's claims of safety and efficacy are exaggerated, the same 
might be true about its claims of comfort. 
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