Pubdate: Fri, 25 Feb 2005
Source: Pensacola News Journal (FL)
Copyright: 2005 The Pensacola News Journal
Author: Jack Ousley


Someone on CNN said that the drug production in Afghanistan is up about 
three times more than it was when the warlords were in control. Is this the 
way to show "what democracy is," allowing them to grow illegal drugs? Why 
is drug production in Columbia increasing? I thought the U.S. was paying 
Columbia to stop it.

It's strange that two of the countries that we give so much money to are 
the major drug producers of the world. I think it's about time that 
President Bush and our government got as serious about drug production as 
they are about Iran's nuclear potential, the Syrians in Lebanon and other 
ways to "improve the opportunities for democracy" in all parts of the world.

Voters who believe that drugs are a serious problem should contact the 
president and your congressmen and let them know you are concerned.