Pubdate: Mon, 13 Dec 2004
Source: Gulf News (UAE)
Copyright: 2004, Al Nisr Publishing, LLC
Author: Tahseen Shagouri, Staff Reporter
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Fujairah: A woman was sentenced to death by the Fujairah Sharia Court 
yesterday after she was found guilty of possessing and dealing in drugs.

Fujairah Police received a tip-off the Pakistani woman was selling hashish 
in the East Coast. An undercover police agent was sent to meet her after 
she set up a time and place to carry out the deal. When the woman arrived 
police seized around 149 grammes of hashish from her.

When questioned by police, the woman, identified as S.M., denied the charge 
of possessing and dealing in drugs and claimed her stepfather had given her 
the bag of hashish to deliver to someone.

She said she did not know what the bag contained and if had she known it 
contained drugs she would never have delivered it.

The suspect stood by her statement when questioned by the Public 
Prosecution. She repeated she did not even know what hashish looked like 
and had just done what her stepfather had asked her to do. The Public 
Prosecution did not believe her and charged her with possessing and trading 
in drugs and referred her to the court which sentenced her to death.

Meanwhile the Appeal Court has reduced the sentence of Abdullah M.K., a UAE 
national from Dhadnah, for possessing and trading in drugs from 12 years to 
eight years.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager