Pubdate: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 Source: Good 5 Cent Cigar (U of RI: Edu) Copyright: 2004 Good 5 Cent Cigar Contact: Details: Author: Kirk Muse Referenced: Cited: SSDP Cited: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition HEADLINE MISLEADING ABOUT SSDP SPEAKER To the Cigar, The story about Jack Cole, the Executive Director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition was excellent, however the headline was very misleading ("Former Narc says yes to drugs, but campus police say no," Nov. 16th). Jack Cole and the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition do not advocate recreational drugs use. What they do advocate is the government regulation, control and taxation of recreational drugs. Only legal products can be regulated, controlled and taxed by governments. Therefore, L.E.A.P. advocates ending our drug prohibition policies that cause most of the problems we have with recreational drugs. Because certain (politically selected) recreational drugs are illegal they are of unknown quality, unknown purity and unknown potency - Just like alcohol was when it was illegal. And just like alcohol was when it was illegal, certain (politically selected) recreational drugs are untaxed, unregulated and controlled by criminal gangs. For the sake of our children, we need to end this insanity of drug prohibition so drugs can be regulated and controlled by our government - - Not criminal gangs. Best regards, Kirk Muse, Mesa, AZ - --- MAP posted-by: Derek