Pubdate: Fri, 10 Sep 2004
Source: Otago Daily Times (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2004 Allied Press Limited
Note:  from NZPA (wire)
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Christchurch: A 15-year-old boy has admitted he was a regular cannabis 
customer at the Mongrel Mob's fortified Christ-church headquarters.

The youth, who cannot be named because of his age, was caught when he went 
to the gang's headquarters in Waltham suburb while police were keeping it 
under 24-hour covert surveillance as part of the Operation Crusade 
investigation into the gang's alleged illicit activities.

Now aged 17, he was called as a witness in the police's prosecution of 18 
people accused of taking part in the gang's drug-dealing and gun-hoarding 

In the dock are Lisa Marie Howie, Joseph Robert Wiringi, Brent Douglas 
Stanley Rowe, Leon Delshannon Turner, Tolouli Tuatua, Rota Beattie, Alesha 
Tara Burberry, Pamela Wendy Bush, Peter Gilbert, Whata August Keefe, 
Hinemoana Keen, Wayne Pohutuhutu, Martin Henry Reuben, Richard James Rymer, 
Pihama Tauroa, Shane Te Whata, Tamiana Maaria Nathan, and Mark Quentin Waitere.

The teenager told the High Court at Christchurch yesterday he had bought 
cannabis from the gang's headquarters on three or four occasions before his 
visit on April 16 last year.

"I pressed the buzzer on the mailbox then went up to the door, where I was 
told to put the money in the hole," he said.

"I put in $40 and I got two tinnies. I put them in my pocket and left."

Soon afterwards, he was stopped by police and found with the cannabis 
tinnies. He was charged with procuring cannabis, referred to Youth Aid, and 
eventually put on a good behaviour bond by the courts.

- - NZPA
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