Pubdate: Sat, 10 Jan 2004
Source: Register-Guard, The (OR)
Copyright: 2004 The Register-Guard
Author: Tim Christie
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


Voter Power, a medical marijuana advocacy group in Portland, is about 
halfway toward its goal of putting an initiative before voters in November 
that would liberalize the state's medical marijuana law.

The initiative would increase the amount of marijuana that patients could 
grow and possess, and allow for state-regulated dispensaries

Volunteers have gathered about 50,000 signatures to date, said the group's 
Carina Marceau. Supporters need about 76,000 valid signatures to qualify 
the measure for the November ballot and organizers hope to submit 100,000 
to 120,000 signatures to account for invalid signatures, she said.

The initiative would amend the law and address one of the most common 
complaints from patients: the difficulty of obtaining a reliable supply of 

Growing marijuana can be technically difficult and can take six to eight 
months to grow a crop, Marceau said. Some patients turn to black market 
sources for marijuana, she said.

The state Department of Human Services would license and regulate the 
dispensaries, which would be run by nonprofit groups.

Dispensary administrators would pay a $1,000 fee, plus 10 percent of growth 
revenue to the state. They also would be required to provide medical 
marijuana for free to indigent patients, at an amount equal to 20 percent 
of the value of marijuana sold each month.

The initiative would also:

" Increase the amount of marijuana that a medical marijuana cardholder 
could grow and possess. Cardholders now can grow three mature plants and 
four immature plants and possess up to 3 ounces. The initiative would 
permit cardholders to grow up to 10 marijuana plants and possess up to 1 
pound of marijuana. If cardholders grow only one crop a year, they could 
possess up to 6 pounds of marijuana.

" Authorize nurse-practitioners and naturopaths, not just doctors, to 
recommend marijuana for medical use.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom