Pubdate: Wed, 11 Jun 2003
Source: Utne Reader (US)
Copyright: 2003 Utne Reader
Author: Phillip S. Smith, DRCNet
Bookmark: (Raves)


The DEA used the new RAVE Act to shut down a May 30 benefit concert for two
Montana groups advocating marijuana legalization, proving critics' fears
that the law would not only be used to keep kids off ecstasy, but as a tool
to silence drug war opponents. The concert, a joint benefit for the Montana
chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
(NORML) and Students for Sensible Drug Policy, was called off by the manager
of the venue after she received threats from a local DEA agent of a $250,000
fine if someone at the event smoked a joint, according to a report by
Phillip S. Smith of DRCNet.

The RAVE Act, authored by Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), was intended to target the
electronic music shows, called raves, which are known for open use of the
drug ecstasy, by making it a crime for the owner of a venue to knowingly
host an event where illegal drugs are used. Opponents of the law, fearing
that it would be used to infringe on the free speech of groups advocating
drug law reform, were able to block it in Congress last year. But Biden
attached it as an amendment to the popular Amber Alert bill passed in May.

"[The DEA agent] didn't tell us we couldn't have the event," said the
manager of the Eagle Lodge, "but he showed me the law and told us what could
happen if we did.  I talked to our trustees, they talked to our lawyers, and
our lawyers said not to risk it, so we canceled."

Drug war critics are outraged by the incident, the first apparent use of the
RAVE Act by the federal government. "This confirms all our fears," said Bill
Piper of the Drug Policy Alliance. "This isn't about drug parties or raves,
it's about having a club to hold over people's heads, whether it's hemp
festivals, circuit parties, dances, whatever. The RAVE Act is being used to
suppress political speech. This is exactly what Sen. Biden said would not
happen, and now it's happening."

- -Leif Utne
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MAP posted-by: Josh