Pubdate: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 Source: Peoria Journal Star (IL) Copyright: 2003sPeoria Journal Star Contact: Details: Author: Jim Nelson Bookmark: (Methamphetamine) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) SAFER TO LEGALIZE METH THAN COOK IT AT HOME I believe the Journal Star's position on charging methamphetamine lab operators whose actions harm other people with murder or arson is well-intentioned, but wrong. As the Feb. 26 editorial acknowledged, increasing the penalty for operating a lab is unlikely to be a deterrent, so why would tacking on other charges make any difference? It's time to acknowledge that no matter what we do to stop them, addicts are going to get their drugs, often using means which put the lives of innocent people, including police officers, at risk. There is only one action that can be taken which will put these labs out of business, and that is legalization. I know that this is an option which many people find difficult to accept, but for lack of a better alternative it deserves consideration. Legalization would allow the drug to be created by safer means, under professional conditions, and would end the threat to police officers and other innocents of being killed in an explosion. Further, it would save valuable law enforcement dollars in a time of deficit. At some point, the drug prohibitionists will have to acknowledge that their policies place all of us in greater danger. Ending those policies would save money and, more importantly, save lives. Jim Nelson Groveland - --- MAP posted-by: Beth