Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 05:33:58 -0700
Pubdate: Tue,  7 Oct 2003
Source: Northern Territory News (Australia)
Copyright: 2003 Northern Territory News
Author: Michael Robinson


Drug Free Australia encourages authorities to uphold and enforce the laws 
of the nation, and the Northern Territory is to be applauded for not shying 
away from its duty when a handful of noisy lobbyists express their radical 
views by breaking the law.

In sending Luke Masters and others to jail we can all hope, as his mother 
does, that he realises what is available to him when he comes out: a job, a 
loving family, and a community willing to support those in need of help.

There are two sides of an effective drug policy. Demand reduction relies 
not only on community support and education, but also law enforcement to 
act as both an encouragement to do the right thing and a deterrent from 
breaking the law. If pro-drug campaigners wish to change the law, let them 
do so by debates in parliament. And when they lose, accept that the people 
have chosen to have the law protect us all and our children. Michael 
Robinson executive director Drug Free Australia
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens