Pubdate: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 Source: Abbotsford Times (CN BC) Copyright: 2002 The Abbotsford Times Contact: Details: Fax: (604) 854-1140 Author: Darla Rasmussen WE TURN OUR BACKS ON THOSE WHO NEED HELP I am appalled at how our community members will turn their heads and hearts at other community members who need help. There is an organization in Vancouver that recognized the lack of services for prostitutes and drug users and did something about it, because the people who run this organization do care for the people in their community. Prostitution Alternatives Counselling Education, run by former prostitutes, opened March 10, 1994. PACE has been building live-in housing, and providing a caring, non-judgmental environment, as well as a health network (PHN) for former prostitutes and drug users in their community. They also provide outreach/crisis intervention, support, advocacy, education, job training, prevention and research services to help these individuals live a safe and healthy new lifestyle. Abbotsford could use a programme like this. Without pushing our prostitutes and drug users to the edge of town, there are many opportunities in the community to start a project like PACE. To cut costs, give University College of the Fraser Valley students the opportunity to be involved in the program through employment, volunteer hours, or practicum experience. This could count toward credits for UCFV programs in social services, substance abuse, nursing, child and youth care, or other human service related programs. I know I would be interested. It's not just about the safety of those who are already safe; its also about the safety of drug users and prostitutes, to keep them away from pimps, drugs and beatings. The problem of prostitution and drug use in the community will make a positive turn around when the politicians and people come together to fix the problem at hand. It's time for people to stop the ridicule, judgment, and narrow-mindedness. For the majority of the community who read and believe in the Bible, they need to be reminded that it does not matter if these women are sinners in your eyes, all are loved in the eyes of God. These women need the community and the community needs them. Without each other we are not complete. Darla Rasmussen, Abbotsford - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager