Pubdate: Tue, 26 Mar 2002
Source: Blade, The (OH)
Copyright: 2002 The Blade
Author: James D. Wares
Bookmark: (Treatment)


I was in training recently for the diagnosis and treatment of children with 
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is widely accepted that 
3 percent to 10 percent of youth in this country suffer from this difficult 
and still not completely understood problem. I was reminded by some of the 
research which was reviewed that a significant number of these kids are 
much more prone to substance abuse than the general population. This often 
carries into adulthood when they are seen in treatment presenting as adults 
who have complex, life-debilitating problems dealing with both mental and 
alcohol or drug abuse illnesses.

My point is to emphasize that substance abuse problems affect many people 
in our community and come in a variety of forms. It is vital that 
substantial support be available to assist children and adults to overcome 
the serious and persistent struggles involved with this far-reaching and 
complicated issue.

It may sound crass, but the fact is that our center does not worry about 
having enough business. However, we frequently are concerned with having 
sufficient resources to meet the demand effectively. One of the actions 
that can be taken is to support Issue 3, the alcohol and drug levy, this May.

JAMES D. WARES Chief executive officer Unison Behavioral Health Group, Inc.
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