Pubdate: Sat, 23 Feb 2002
Source: Bradenton Herald (FL)
Address: 102 Manatee Ave. W, Bradenton, FL 34205
Contact:  2002 Bradenton Herald
Author: Stan White


Sally DeTurk's assertion, "find the root of this problem and eliminate
it," in Tuesday's letters got my attention. The exposed root of the
problem is Biblical. It requires truth; God and his medicine may help,
too. Our father gave us cannabis and said it was for food and
medicine, for those who know and accept the truth. Fact is, most
people would choose cannabis over hard drugs any day. Studies show
that even monkeys choose cannabis to escape cocaine addiction.
Addiction to cannabis is less than coffee. If it helps your daughter
off hard drugs, it's not only good medicine, it's God's medicine.
Cannabis has an awesome safety record, too: in over 5,000 years of
use, not one soul ever died from overdose.

Lying and denying God on the very first page, biblically, is a bad
seed and truly the root of the problem. The prohibition of cannabis
may be the original living sin. Thank God for cannabis. Accept
cannabis (known as kaneh bosm, before the King James Version), as
described on the very first page of the Bible (Gen. 1:11-12 & 29-30).

Christ-God gave us cannabis and put cannabinoid (THC) receptor sites
in our brains since the beginning. Those who prohibit that connection
may well be the true terrorists - to Christ-God and the holy spirit of
truth. Not just God, Christ-God. Not just legalize, relegalize. Not
just truth, but holy spirit of truth.

Dillon, Colo.
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MAP posted-by: S Heath(DPF of Florida)