Pubdate: Wed, 13 Feb 2002
Source: New York Post (NY)
Copyright: 2002 N.Y.P. Holdings, Inc.
Author: Deborah Orin
Bookmark: (Nadelmann, Ethan)
Bookmark: (Terrorism)


February 13, 2002 -- President Bush pitched fighting illegal drug use 
as a patriotic way to combat terrorism yesterday as he vowed a 25 
percent cut in drug use in the next five years - or he'll take the 

"Make no mistake about it. If you're buying illegal drugs in America 
it is likely that money is going to end up in the hands of terrorist 
organizations," Bush said.

He noted that Afghanistan produced 70 percent of the world's opium 
and said that meant "significant" money for "harboring and feeding 
and hiding" those who attacked America on Sept. 11.

Bush also took a jab at ex-President Bill Clinton in a report to 
Congress that said drug use among high-school seniors showed "steady" 
drops from 1985 to 1992 - but "in recent years we have lost ground."

Clinton took office in 1993. The "progress" praised by Bush covered 
his father's term as president and the final years of Ronald Reagan's 
term after his wife Nancy launched the "Just say no" campaign in 1983.

Bush stressed that he'll measure results by the numbers and hold 
himself accountable - "I'll be measured first" - for reducing illegal 
drug use by 10 percent in the next two years and 25 percent in five 

"I'm the kind of fellow that likes to say, 'What are the results?' " 
said Bush, who has also pressed to measure schools by test scores.

Bush's terror theme was tried out in three Super Bowl TV ads aimed at 
teens that cost $3.5 million and ask where terrorists get their 
money, then reply: "If you buy drugs, some of it might come from you."

But Ethan Nadelman of the Drug Policy Alliance - which favors 
legalization of marijuana - dismissed the anti-terror theme: "It's a 

Nadelman agreed "every violent political organization in the world is 
making money out of the drug trade" but said that won't help teen 
users stop - although it might spur them to grow their own marijuana.

Bush also called for a slight increase in drug-treatment funds - $3.8 
billion or a 6 percent increase, especially targeted at "the most 
vulnerable" people like pregnant moms, the homeless and people with 

And he vowed to "fire up" parents "to do their jobs" and promote 
responsibility instead of "if it feels good, do it" - by telling 
their kids not to take drugs.
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