Pubdate: Sat, 23 Nov 2002
Source: British Medical Journal, The (UK)
Copyright: 2002 The BMJ
Authors: Joseph M. Rey, Christopher C. Tennant
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More Evidence Establishes Clear Link Between Use Of Cannabis And 
Psychiatric Illness

Papers pp 1195, 1199, 1212

In the 1990s the use of cannabis increased much among young people so that 
it is now becoming more common than tobacco smoking in some countries.1-2 
The ready availability of the drug, the increasing social disapproval of 
cigarette smoking, stern drink driving laws, and perceptions that cannabis 
is safe or less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol may explain these 
changes. The increase in use is of concern because cannabis may be a 
gateway to other drugs,3 and it may cause psychiatric illnesses.

The link between cannabis and psychosis is well established, and recent 
studies have found a link between use of marijuana and depression.4-7 Does 
cannabis cause these conditions, or do patients use cannabis to relieve 
their distress?

The explanation most accepted is that cannabis triggers the onset or 
relapse of schizophrenia in predisposed people and also exacerbates the 
symptoms generally. 4 5 Establishing direction of causality is difficult 
and is most appropriately assessed in non-clinical samples, but a low 
incidence of the illness and the fact that most drug users take other drugs 
in addition to cannabis create methodological problems and explain the 
dearth of reliable evidence.

The study often quoted in support of the causal hypothesis examined the 
incidence of schizophrenia in more than 50 000 Swedish conscripts followed 
up for 15 years.8 It showed that use of marijuana during adolescence 
increased the risk of schizophrenia in a dose-response relation.

Questions have, however, remained about the validity of the diagnosis, the 
possible causal role of other drugs, and prodromal symptoms of 
schizophrenia that might have led to the use of cannabis, rather than 
cannabis triggering the psychosis. 4 5

A longer follow up and reanalysis of this cohort published in this issue (p 
1199) confirms the earlier findings and clarifies that cannabis, and not 
other drugs, is associated with later schizophrenia and that this is not 
explained by prodromal symptoms.9 In a similar vein, a three year follow up 
of a Dutch cohort of 4045 people free of psychosis and 59 with a baseline 
diagnosis of psychotic disorder showed a strong association between use of 
cannabis and psychosis.10 Length of exposure to use of cannabis predicted 
the severity of the psychosis, which likewise was not explained by use of 
other drugs.

Participants who showed psychotic symptoms at baseline and used cannabis 
had a worse outcome, which also implies an additive effect. In a New 
Zealand cohort, individuals who had used cannabis three times or more by 
age 15 or 18 were not more likely to have schizophreniform disorder at age 
26 (p 1212), although they showed an increase in "schizophrenia symptoms" 
(but not schizophrenia).11 The meaning of "schizophrenia symptoms" requires 
clarification to interpret these results.

The evidence in relation to depression is growing.

A 15 year follow up of an adult community sample of 1920 participants in 
the United States showed that use of cannabis increased the risk of major 
depression at follow up fourfold.7 Use of cannabis was specifically 
associated with an increase in suicidal ideation and anhedonia.

Similar findings in an Australian study reported in this issue (p 1195) 
show a dose-effect relation between the use of cannabis and anxiety or 
depression in a large cohort of 14-15 year olds followed for seven years.12 
This is reflected in higher rates of anxiety or depression according to the 
frequency with which cannabis was used. The link is stronger for young 
women than young men in this cohort, although sex differences have not been 
found in other studies. 6 7 Baseline depression did not predict later 
marijuana use in either study and therefore does not support the self 
medication hypothesis. The study in the New Zealand cohort did not find an 
association between cannabis use at age 15 and depressive disorder at age 
26. The authors found, however, that young people who had used cannabis 
three times or more by age 18 were more likely to have a depressive 
disorder at age 26, even after use of other drugs was controlled for.

Although the number of studies is small, these findings strengthen the 
argument that use of cannabis increases the risk of schizophrenia and 
depression, and they provide little support for the belief that the 
association between marijuana use and mental health problems is largely due 
to self medication. Whether the use of cannabis triggers the onset of 
schizophrenia or depression in otherwise vulnerable people or whether it 
actually causes these conditions in non-predisposed people is not yet 
resolved. Further, it cannot be assumed that mechanisms are the same for 
both conditions (cannabinoids have effects on a variety of neurotransmitter 
systems) or at different developmental stages.

For example, although evidence shows that mental disorder leads to the use 
of cannabis among adolescents, the reverse seems true in early adulthood.13

The shown dose-response relation for both schizophrenia and depression 
highlights the importance of reducing the use of cannabis in people who use 
it. It was estimated that lack of exposure to cannabis would have reduced 
the incidence of psychosis requiring treatment by as much as 50% in the 
Dutch cohort,10 and is similarly reflected in the Swedish cohort, showing 
that the use of cannabis increased the risk of schizophrenia by 30%.9 This 
large effect is surprising and not yet reflected in an increased incidence 
of schizophrenia in the population. If true, the use of cannabis will 
contribute to more episodes or new cases of the illnessfood for thought for 
both clinicians and legislators.

Joseph M Rey, professor of child and adolescent psychiatry.

University of Sydney, Coral Tree Family Service, PO Box 142, North Ryde, 
NSW 1670, Australia Christopher C Tennant, professor of psychiatry.

University of Sydney, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonard's, NSW 2065, 
Australia Footnotes

Competing interests: None declared.

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