Pubdate: Thu, 03 Oct 2002
Source: Bristol Herald Courier (VA)
Copyright: 2002 Bristol Herald Courier
Author: Michelle Garrett


To the editor: I am writing in response to the recent article, "Curse or 
Cure?" Unless you have been an addict, how do you know what it is like to 
spend your days suffering, with or without opiates?

The life of an addict is a miserable one. Opiates affect you mentally and 
physically. You are no longer normal; everyday tasks are sometimes impossible!

Why are so many people opposed to the clinics? Have they even taken the 
time to research about methadone and find out how it works?

How would having a clinic raise the crime rate? Wouldn't it lower it?

If someone you love was addicted and going to a methadone clinic was the 
only thing that helped, would you still be opposed to it?

Who are the addicts? The cashier at the grocery store, the mailman, your 
babysitter, the next door neighbor or the person you sit beside in church?

Addiction is a terrible thing to deal with in your life. To admit that you 
are an addict and need help is a giant step, so we should praise these 
people for admitting their problem and asking for help.

How many more people have to suffer, how many have to die before we as a 
nation open our eyes and realize there is help, methadone?

We've heard talk about how opening a clinic would bring more addicts into a 
community; what about some doctor's offices that open up and brings more 
addicts? WIth a clinic, think about all the lives we could change, all the 
people who could lead normal lives again.

The clinic at Tazewell has been a blessing, but there is such a demand for 
help that people are having to wait months to get in. If there were more 
clinics, hundreds of thousands of people could lead better lives.

How do I know this? Because without the clinic, my husband and I might not 
be here today because, yes, we are patients at the LCG of Tazewell.

Michelle Garrett

Richlands, Va.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens