Pubdate: Wed, 18 Sep 2002
Source: Post-Crescent, The (Appleton,  WI)
Copyright: 2002 The Post-Crescent
Authors: Greg Bump, John Lee, Post-Crescent staff writers
Bookmark: (Raves)
Bookmark: (Ecstasy)


Mayor, Cops Say Telulah Park Party Unwelcome

APPLETON -- A rave party planned for an Appleton park will be shut down by 
city officials, who say rampant drug use accompanies the events.

Appleton police were tipped off by the Sheboygan County Sheriff's 
Department that a rave was being planned Saturday at Telulah Park on 
Appleton's east side.

When the plans became known, it was decided the best course of action was 
to close the park for the day, Mayor Tim Hanna said.

"If we find out events like this are scheduled to take place in our city, 
we're going to do whatever we can to thwart them," he said. "The message 
is: 'If that's what the plan is, not in Appleton.'"

Last weekend, Sheboygan County authorities dealt with a rave of their own, 
at a private residence in the Town of Sheboygan Falls, according to Lt. 
Leroy Nennig of the Sheboygan County Sheriff's Department.

Nennig estimated between 300 and 400 people were at the Sheboygan Falls 
party. He said three tents were set up - one served beer - and disc jockeys 
played music in each.

Three undercover officers were at the party and others were in the area to 
assist, but the only arrest was for selling psilocybin mushrooms, Nennig 
said. A few underage drinking tickets also were handed out to individuals 
from outside the county, he said.

"It was pretty much an all-nighter thing," Nennig said. "I think there 
could have been a lot more arrests, but you don't want to cause a riot out 

Appleton Police Department public information officer John DeLong said 
other drug use, including Ecstasy and LSD, was reported from Sheboygan County.

"It had all the elements of a traditional rave party - loud music, lots of 
noise and drugs - lots of drugs," said DeLong.

At the Sheboygan Falls party, flyers were distributed announcing a rave to 
be held at Telulah Park. The flyer also listed a phone number in the 920 
area code that when called Tuesday night gave directions to the park.

A check by Parks and Recreation Department staff found that the two Telulah 
Park pavilions had been reserved by two Appleton residents from noon until 
dark Saturday. Hanna said the reservation applicant misled staff by 
indicating the party would be limited to 50 people.

"If the word gets out there is a rave party, there will be a lot more than 
50 people there," Nennig said.

The permit applicants listed Appleton addresses, but police were told the 
individuals had moved.

Bill Siebers, assistant to Mayor Hanna, said a letter has been sent to the 
individuals who took out the permit in hopes it will be forwarded to their 
new address. The letter informs them the permit has been rescinded, and a 
refund of their cost is available at the Parks and Recreation Department.
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