Pubdate: Sat, 07 Sep 2002
Source: Hamilton Spectator (CN ON)
Copyright: The Hamilton Spectator 2002
Author: Wayne Phillips


Legalizing Marijuana

RE: 'Legalizing pot a pipe dream' (Sept. 5).

This Spectator editorial contends that Canadians aren't ready for a step as 
drastic as legalization of cannabis, arguing that such a change would make 
this country's drug laws even more liberal than places like the Netherlands.

Considering that the Netherlands has one of the lowest crime rates per 
capita of any democratic nation, bar none, is that such a bad thing?

It's sheer folly to continue to ignore, dismiss or misinterpret volumes of 
scientific research, judicial findings, and shelved reports in order to 
promote pseudo-science, flawed or contrived studies and phoney moralisms.

One has only to look south to see the stark contrasts (between America and 
the Netherlands) and societal harms brought about by cannabis prohibition.

There is no credible evidence demonstrating that the prohibition of 
cannabis is not detrimental to societal well-being. Canada is indeed long 
overdue for reform.

Wayne Phillips, Hamilton
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