Pubdate: Thu, 01 Aug 2002
Source: Charleston Daily Mail (WV)
Copyright: 2002 Charleston Daily Mail
Author: Associated Press


WASHINGTON -- West Virginia had the largest increase in the nation in state 
and federal inmate populations with a jump of 9.3 percent.

The Mountain State was followed by Alaska (8.9 percent), Idaho (8.5 
percent) and Oregon (8.3 percent).

Overall, the U.S. inmate population in 2001 rose at the slowest pace in 
almost 30 years, with blacks still far more likely to be incarcerated than 
whites or Hispanics, the Justice Department said.

For every 100,000 people in the United States, 3,535 blacks were locked up, 
compared with 462 whites and 1,177 Hispanics, the department said Tuesday.

One in 10 black men between the ages of 25 and 29 were incarcerated at the 
end of 2001, while only 2.9 percent of Hispanic men and 1.2 percent of 
white men in the same age group were in custody.

The Sentencing Project, a group that supports alternatives to 
incarceration, says the black U.S. inmate population is unprecedented.

One reason the number of black inmates continues to rise is the 
government's war against drugs. Convictions for drug offenses accounted for 
27 percent of the increase in black inmates, compared with 7 percent for 
Hispanic inmates and 15 percent for white inmates, the report said.

States are more likely to lock up people for violent offenses than for 
drugs, the report said.

But the federal government is taking up the slack, with drug crimes 
accounting for 59 percent of the increase in federal prison inmates -- even 
as the percentage of violent offenders dropped to 10 percent from 17 
percent, the report said.
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