Pubdate: Wed, 04 Apr 2001
Source: Rochester Post-Bulletin (MN)
Copyright: 2001 Post-Bulletin Company, LLC
Address: P.O. Box 6118, Rochester, MN 55903-6118
Fax: (507) 285-7777

ST. PAUL -- Gov. Jesse Ventura said Wednesday that he "fully 
supports" legalizing marijuana for medical use.

"Medical marijuana? I fully support it, absolutely. Who is government 
to tell someone if they have AIDS or cancer, what they should be 
taking?" Ventura said in response to a question from a student at 
University of St. Thomas.

Ventura cited an illness suffered by his mother, who was given a mix 
of narcotics to help her pain.

If marijuana provides the same sort of relief to others who are 
suffering, the Independence Party governor said, he's all for it.

Ventura plans to attend a forum on the issue Friday, sponsored 
jointly by the Department of Health and the Department of Public 
Safety. Organizers say the state hopes to encourage more research.

A bill before the Legislature this year would appropriate $100,000 to 
study potential medicinal uses of marijuana.

The study is not part of Ventura's budget proposal, but Public Safety 
Commissioner Charlie Weaver said the department would be happy to 
administer it if lawmakers agree.

Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm wrote earlier in a letter that the 
forum is designed to encourage research that will "advance the 
acceptance of marijuana as an important medical tool and ultimately 
address the legal constraints at the national level."
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MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe